Cramer at Harvard...

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Ripley, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. Quite a site.

    TOTAL: 557 WINNERS: 409 LOSERS: 142 UNCH: 6
    Total Portfolio Performance: +7.94%

    Now, are they using the closing price on the day of the rec as the baseline??????

    If so, that price is impossible to get, so the results would be bad skewed in favor of the booshighter..

    Anyone know.
    #21     Feb 1, 2006
  2. Ok first of all, it did not pass yet, it's a proposition. It most likely will go through as it is nothing more than a Public Relations move. It will have minimal impact since most of the candidates that fall in that category end up getting a scholarship & grants anyway from the school, government & special organizations based on their financial status.

    Second of all, a family making under 40k a year in THIS day and age is lower class family most likely living in the ghetto. In other words, affirmative action obviously aimed at minorities who go to schools that are unfortunately seriously lacking in challenge & quality and hence much easier to stand out at if you have brains & some ambition (although there is a psychological & social barrier to break in those types of schools). A few poor white kids here and there also, but such low income families do get special treatment anyway as I mentioned before. Many scholarships out there aimed at poor kids that have shown academic excellence.

    Third of all, Ivy league system is a system for the rich & elite to keep a network among their siblings. Thats how it was set up and that is how it still is at its core. Skull & Bones anybody? Special prep schools have been set up simply for the elite kids to go into Ivy Leagues, they get preferential status and always have.

    I personally knew kids that got into Harvard & other Ivy Leagues and could not afford to go because they were not wealthy enough to pay for it, yet also were not poor enough to get the financial assistance. This new PR move does nothing for the likes of them.

    I do not even want to get into how much easier it is to get into a school like Harvard if you went to a ghetto inner city school vs going to one of the top public schools where there is serious competition & challenge. It really pays off to be the big fish in a small pond instead of a midsize fish in a big lake.
    #22     Feb 2, 2006
  3. like I said, 25 billion endowment at 9% a year more than pays for approx 920 million generated from harvard tuition for 23000 undergrad and grad students, and the 2300 staff which would cost 1.15 billion assuming $500k per professor for expenses of running his lab or other activities.

    25.9 billion at 9% is 2.25 billion a year. See it could be free for everybody, but alas, it wont be because it propagates the class system.


    This is roughly the same for at least 12 or so schools with large endowments , typically ivy league, with well managed money.

    I wonder if anyone sits around in a class and thinks to themselves that their endowment should be providing free education to all.
    #23     Feb 2, 2006
  4. ellokn


    Please don't believe fluff you read. Your opinion is built on a great myth. The facts tell a different story. The US public higher education system is vast and if you take advantage of what it offers a superior, even great education is to be had. Those who look beyond the hype and marketing recognize this. The real world obviously does.
    #24     Feb 2, 2006
  5. Harvard is hugely overrated.
    i don't know if i'd pay that kind of money to have my kid indoctrinated into the wacko fad theory of the day: market efficiency, feminism whatever

    i don't like the fact it's more a liberal college than a science school

    but it's the only college i know where professors actually kiss student's ass... well lots of rich kids... it makes sense...

    there is more interesting coursework at engineering schools but i don't knowwhy such places are full of uneducated a-holes
    #25     Feb 2, 2006
  6. I went to two public high schools. One was garbage although it was not the worst in the world. The other was composed of 95% plus upper middle class and just plain rich kids who were all college bound. My SAT's were higher than the average frosh at Harvard and CalTech, but would maybe help me get me into Vassar or Bucknell in this environment. I went to a great college but maybe could have achieved my dream, the ultimate liberal arts school, with a better counselor.

    It is absolutely prepostorous to say that someone can get into Harvard and not be able to pay for it. The only exception is when a kid has parents who don't want to pay and the kid does not fill out enough scholarship applications. I knew good students that went went to places like Lehigh that were financed completely by independent scholarships.

    As per ghetto kids who get into Harvard being defective: they probably smoke yo' ass.
    #26     Feb 2, 2006
  7. sprstpd


    Actually it was being bid up 5 minutes before he said anything about it. Somebody needs to look into who was doing the bidding and how they know before Cramer even says a word on TV.

    Is the show live? If it is, then that means someone is able to find out the picks beforehand. Via Cramer or someone inside the show? Anyway, is not the first time that this has happened.
    #27     Feb 2, 2006
  8. zdreg


    can you post time and sales to prove your point
    #28     Feb 2, 2006

  9. sure, check out the software posted earlier. it's done all the time.

    #29     Feb 2, 2006
  10. Skull and Bones was a movie. Not reality. I hope you do not go through life believeing tv as reality without doing thorough research. You may be in for a suprise.

    Prep Schools are aimed at a better education. You only go to school once.
    If you had the means, woud you rather send your children to a public school or a private school where the standardized test scores when they graduate show a higher level than publice school.

    Your connection between prep schools and Ivy League may just be from those kids in a prep school getting better Standardized test scores and grades than kids at public schools. I hope if you have the means to send your kids to get a better education, you chose too. Remember, you only go to school once. Although, if you believe tv to be reality, you may have gone to school longer than the average joe. Less toking, more studying.
    #30     Feb 2, 2006