crack spread in IB

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by lemeeeplay, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. Anyone trade the crack spread in IB?

    I don't think SpreadTrader supports inter-commodity spreads; it only allows me to enter calendar spreads on the same underlying.
  2. Try using the generic combo feature. Simply right click on an empty line on the TWS and fill in the blanks. If inter-commodity spreads don't work here, then they probably won't work on any of the features. I would send a ticket and ask about intercommodity spreads.
  3. I just tried the generic combo feature and it won't let me do two different underlyings, it only does calendar spreads for the same symbol. :confused:

    I'll send an email to IB and see what they say.
  4. I found it, i can type in a ticker row
    "clq1-bzq1" for example, and it finds exchange-listed wti/brent spread

    pity that formula "cln1-bzq1" not working,
    although it's more likely to wti/brent spread of front month contracts
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
    jtrader33 likes this.
  5. Finally I understood, for my spread i can type "CL.BZ" into ticker row
    and find all possible variants