CPO ranking ?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by ChrisM, Sep 21, 2002.

  1. ChrisM


    Does anybody know any link to CPO funds ranking lists ?

    Searching through all those available Webs give me very little results so far.
    Any tips appreciated.
  2. Aaron


    www.barclaygrp.com and iasg.com come to mind. Also autumngold.com, hedgefund.net, investorforce.com, cogenthedge.com, ehedge.de. You might have to wade through some equity hedge funds on these sites to find the managed futures funds.
  3. ChrisM


    Aaron ,

    that`s much more than I expected.

    Thank You so much.
  4. Aaron


    You're welcome, ChrisM. Please PM me if you invest in one. I'd be interested to hear who you pick.