CPAC video - must see

Discussion in 'Politics' started by WeToddDid2, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. WeToddDid2


    Tsing Tao, Tom B and Optionpro007 like this.
  2. [​IMG]
  3. What republicans don't seem to get is that going back to these old themes is not going to drive turnout. A lot of voters don't see what's so terrible about the dems' health care proposals. Of course that was the whole point of obamacare. Wreck the system so badly that socialized medicine looks preferable. The republicans did nothing however so that's what voters get as a choice. The fact that some hedge fund manager or CEO may be inconvenienced is not all that important to a laid off coal miner or small business owner getting killed by insurance premiums.

    The republican establishment wants to ignore immigration or try to fool voters again by claiming to be for enforcement but undermining it. Voters can see that the establishment wants to bring in vast numbers of foreign workers to take their jobs and drive down wages. So they can pretty much kiss the Trump working class voter good-bye. And we actually did not consider all that talk by Trump about a wall to be a metaphor. Fool us once, bad on you, fool us twice, actually that's not happening. No wall, no Trump.
  4. If no Trump, what is your alternative?
  5. TJustice


    Right now the only choices seem to be govt run strong socialism that favors the elites and prevents as many people as possible to rise up beyond middle class through taxes, inflation and regulation or crony run strong socialism in which the cronies purchase the govt, buy up all the productive assets and tax and control everyone else into submission. Plus bring in more people to keep wages down and disenfranchise the vote.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
  6. You have basically described the democrat and republican platforms.
    TJustice likes this.
  7. Cuddles


    socialists are the new terrorists/illegals/boogie man. And you dumb cons are falling for it....again
    piezoe, exGOPer and Tony Stark like this.
  8. Of course I prefer Trump to the current alternatives. I'm talking about the practicalities of actually getting elected. A republican can win only with a massive turnout of traditional white voters. Trump won because he convinced working class whites he cared about them and their plight. Since then, he's cared more about Israel, Wall Street, billionaire tax cuts and letting felons out of prison.

    The wall was a powerful political image but now it will work in reverse against him. "Read my lips, no new taxes."
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
  9. Cuddles


    nah, if the GOP continue to scuttle the education system, your map shows cons still have a chance. They just gotta sacrifice progress for it.
    #10     Mar 2, 2019
    piezoe likes this.