COVID-19: I’m Treating Too Many Young People for the Coronavirus

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by schizo, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. schizo


    I’m Treating Too Many Young People for the Coronavirus
    Americans in their 20s and 30s—no matter how healthy and invincible they feel—need to understand how dangerous this virus can be.

    MARCH 26, 2020
    Kerry Kennedy Meltzer
    Internal medicine resident physician in New York City

    On friday night, I worked a 12-hour shift in the designated COVID-19 area of my hospital’s emergency department in New York City. Over the course of the night, I examined six patients who were exhibiting common symptoms of the novel coronavirus; five of them were in their 20s or early 30s.

    I am 28 years old. Up until Friday, when people asked me whether I was scared, I would tell them yes—for my country, my colleagues, my 92-year-old grandmother, and all the people most vulnerable to getting seriously ill from the virus, but not for myself. I, like many others, believed that young people were less likely to get sick, and that if they did, the illness was mild, with a quick recovery.

    I now know that isn’t the case. The fact is that young people with no clear underlying health conditions are getting seriously ill from COVID-19 in significant numbers. And young Americans—no matter how healthy and invincible they feel—need to understand that.
  2. "wow! i'm so surprised!"

    - said no. one. ever.
    KCalhoun likes this.
  3. IAlwaysWin


    What was your commision for posting this propaganda?

    Like I said before.. How many of you hear about or see sick people around you? Get your head out of your ass and think!
  4. gaussian


    I have friends who are currently working back to back shifts helping sick people in the hospital without a single day off. They haven't had proper PPE in weeks. They are operating despite this because unlike armchair doctors like you they know the risks and have a duty to help the sick.

    People like you are dangerous to the rest of us capable of an iota of logical thinking. You pull your head out of your ass and look around.
  5. Cuddles


    says guy from middle of nowhere shit hole Montana.

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2020
    d08 likes this.
  6. Move out of bumble fuck you inbreeder.
    NYC and the tri-state area is a like a war zone
    KCalhoun, Spooz Top 2 and gkishot like this.
  7. They


    Someone needs to monitor how many of the young people going critical are vapers or are wax, shatter, budder or oil enthusiasts.
    Turveyd and RRY16 like this.
  8. IAlwaysWin


    I'm not saying this virus doesn't exist. I'm saying that almost all of us have had it already and I see a lot of people talking about dead, dying and critically ill patients but I don't see any or know of any neither does anyone that I know. It's still all hear-say until I see it with my own eyes. I might live in a rural area but I also live in NE Ohio, extremely populated and I know a lot of people and I have a huge family..
  9. luisHK


    We don´t exactly hang out too often together, but Boris Johnson and Prince Charles both tested positive in the UK.
    In Madrid now, a town badly hit and under such a strict quarantine we do not get to meet and chat people (Internet is working fine still but my social network is rather limited) so I have very limited communication with the outside world, but met today our fighting coach (my only current physical contact outside the household except people at an advertised safe distance I pass by in the residence or the supermarket), and on his whatsapp group of Madrid coaches, 2 apparently claimed today to have lost a parent to the coronavirus . One guy from our gym was tested positive also after he was tested and quarantined at home even before the lockdown for belonging to a risk group. He showed back up in our group stating he was now officially cured, he didn´t seem to have suffered any severe symptoms if at all.
    Considering the very large percentage of deaths and severe cases here, it is likely the number of infected people with no or mild symptoms is many times the number of reported cases. From what i hear it is dificult to get medical attention, or even to get through the special coronavirus hotline
    Besides I doubt many people sick will advertise it for a while as they along their family might get ostracized after the lockdown is lifted.
    Can´t say I´m very afraid of the virus personally, had my kids go to school than to the gym until the last day it was possible (even switched one to a new gym so she could train a couple of days more), and will send them out as soon as it is allowed, but little doubt the emergency services are overwhelmed over here ( yet I went yesterday to a private hospital to pick up a prescription, and the consultation area although well staffed was very quiet - they cancelled all non urgent doctor appointments, rather setting consultations over the phone, 2 weeks ago went to another private clinic but where they don´t deal with emergencies and it was also very quiet, it is now closed afaik)
    Can´t say I´m a fan of the lockdown either, afraid it will wreak havoc into society and families besides being a huge infringement on personal freedom, here people are getting fined 600euros and more, sometimes arrested and publicly shamed (on the videos I saw so far the names were withheld and the faces blurred), for walking or -worst nowadays- exercising alone in the street
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2020
    d08 and They like this.
  10. Turveyd


    21 year old that died, Coke head!!
    #10     Mar 27, 2020