Countdown to Trump's 2nd Inauguration Day

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Buy1Sell2, Sep 15, 2023.

  1. Buy1Sell2


    493 days
    wildchild likes this.
  2. Buy1Sell2


  3. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Thanks Biden.
  4. notagain


    Trump will accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, so we don't become Argentina.
    Hillary where are you?
    Buy1Sell2 likes this.
  5. Bugenhagen


    You mean when he gets bent over a prison bench and learns what it was like for that fifteen year old girl he raped in 1994?
    Atlantic and Frederick Foresight like this.

  6. 493 days till Putin becomes Executive President of the United States if America is still a country...

    Putin wants Trump to win because ex-president shows our 'system is rotten': Yale historian


    Vladimir Putin is hoping Donald Trump is once again elected as president, in part to salvage the Russian leader's war in Ukraine and to weaken the U.S., and in part because the former president shows how toxic all nations are, according to a Yale historian.

    Renowned Yale Prof. Timothy Snyder appeared on MSNBC's The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell, where he was asked about how Trump reportedly "agreed with Russia's attacks on the United States."

    The host noted that Trump's presidency would show the world how bad it is in the U.S.

    "I think you hit on a crucial point. Everyone knows that Russia has a system where political opponents are put into prison," Snyder said, providing a few examples of those who were jailed in Russia merely for questioning the Ukraine war.

    "What Putin is trying to do fundamentally is say, everyone is as bad as us. The rule of law is a joke everywhere. Americans are no better than Russia. That is his fundamental line. He wants to think that there is no freedom, no democracy, nothing to value anywhere... Putin's claim is that all systems are rotten, everyone's system is rotten. Trump helps him out with that."
  7. Atlantic


    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  8. Atlantic


  9. smallfil


    Our side gets excited when election time comes but, badly outplayed by the Democrat Party cheating apparatus. It is long past time that all voters in precincts should be checked for valid driving licenses at a minimum. Add to that absentee ballots signatures should be verified and ensured it matches the signature on file. If the Republicans can do this bare minimum, President Donald Trump has a chance to win. If not, the destruction of the US by Joe Biden 2.0 or Gavin Newsom is at hand and there is no way back! RINOs need to grow a pair and do their jobs for once.
    wildchild and Buy1Sell2 like this.

  10. It's a double whammy for the Republicans. The Dems excel in getting out the illegal vote and the various scams that go with it. It all started/acclerated back with Obama. He had Army of Acorn workers out giving everyone a pack of cigarettes to register to vote and the scams just grew like turnips. And they also excel in getting out the legal vote. The DNC has mainframes hummng day and night to pinpoint where their ground operatives need to be when the polls open and the rides already lined up. And operatives to go to your home, help fill out your ballot, and then harvest it. Meanwhile, the Republicans are using their AOL account to communicate, and might have some data on their Lotus spreadsheet.

    The Republicans have no get-out-the-vote strategy other than Ronna McRomney saying "we cannot just rely on late voting republicans showing up to vote in person anymore" as she makes TV appearances. That's it. That's the entire Republican get out the vote strategy.

    As stated before, it was a BIG, BIG, BIG mistake to elect Ronna McRomney as RNC chair over Harmeet Dhillon. BIG MISTAKE.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2023
    #10     Sep 16, 2023