Coulter slurs John Edwards...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. kut2k2


    No story. Shit-tosser Mann Coulter (hell yes, it looks like a tranny!) "decided" that Hillary must be a lesbian for not divorcing Bill on the spot when he got caught lying about Monica. Apparently in the Coulter "mindset", if I may apply that term however inappropriately, a "real woman" wouldn't stand for that kind of behavior from a hounddog like Bill. The question remains as to how Mann Coulter would know what a *real woman* would stand for. :D :D

    Btw I'm not a fan of either Bill or Hill .. never voted for either and don't plan to in '08. But when the best that Mann Coulter can come with is lies about other people's sexuality, I'm sooo glad it's on the khan-servative side making a total horse's ass of itself.
    #21     Mar 3, 2007
  2. Are you on drugs? Kerry was Swift Boated by er.....veterans who served with him.

    He fabricated his record, met with the enemy, testified in Congress that his fellow soldiers were "criminals" and threw away his medals.

    "Mr. Kerry was assigned to Swiftboat 44 on December 1, 1968. Within 24 hours, he had his first Purple Heart. Mr. Kerry accumulated three Purple Hearts in four months with not even a day of duty lost from wounds, according to his training officer. It's a pity one cannot read his Purple Heart medical treatment reports which have been withheld from the public. The only person preventing their release is Mr. Kerry. "

    Kerry and the Viet Cong.
    #22     Mar 3, 2007
  3. Coulter is one of millions who think Hillary is gay. I heard it as far back as 1991.

    Bottom line: you have less an idea than Coulter as to the truth. Politics is FULL of homosexuals. From both parties........
    #23     Mar 3, 2007
  4. Like I said, don't bet agin it. I was told by an extremely reliable source. I knew what I heard, from whom I heard it, and knew it to be true. Then I dug back and saw it documented in books that I wouldn't have believed on their own. It's no secret among people in the know. I personally don't care about that, but if it's enough so I don't have to look at her fat ass for eight years, bring it on. The woman is the anti Christ.
    #24     Mar 3, 2007
  5. So Coulter the "C", uses the "F" word! Wow! I could not imagine that ugly cold hearted stupid bitch would ever do that! (just kidding)
    It was matter of time......before she said something. That woman, that ugly american ''C" - is sooo filled with rage and resentment that some day this country might be "turned" and enlightened enough to look at Europe as the leader....
    and become more social democracy.....

    BWT guess what the "C" word is.....
    #25     Mar 4, 2007

  6. I <i>know</i> you're just waiting for someone to bring it up so you can pretend not to see the hypocrisy...
    OK, fine- I'll do it, but I'm not coming back to this thread.

    Quote from LoZZZzzzzzzzer:
    Posted 09/02/2004

    "I probably talk shit about fags as much or more than anyone here at ET, but I don't view their behavior as unnatural....just funny as hell....

    Same as I find some animals behavior funny, I find fag behavior funny."
    #26     Mar 4, 2007
  7. I'm giving this one to Coulter.

    Anyone else want to come forward and admit they think it's funny? Been quietly LMAO all weekend - - here you are running for Pres. and this bombthrower calls you a faggot.

    Ha ha.
    #27     Mar 4, 2007
  8. I am really torn by your comments.

    On the one hand, it is quite flattering that you would think of me as having the same type of audience, stature, following and impact as someone of Coulter's pundit rank in the republican party, given your base of experience regarding me is strictly limited to exposure that is the world of an anonymous message board.

    On the other hand, perhaps the meds need further adjustment to help you with your resentment produced delusions...

    What Does The BigBook Say About Resentment?

    I see resentment crop up in meetings and out in the "world" every now and again, as egos and personalities get to working before principles. The following is from my archives ... something to read again and think about.

    The word resentment comes from the Latin word "sentire" which means, "to feel", and when you put "re" in front of any word, it means "again", so the word resent means "to feel again". It includes people, institutions or principles with whom we were angry, with whom we were hurt or threatened or interfered with, with whom we felt had wronged us, with whom we stayed sore at, with whom we felt "burned up" toward, and with whom we held a grudge.

    I would like to add the following as well: People, institutions
    or principles which we are annoyed with, agitated by, or let down by; and I also like to suggest that this includes our regrets [from "gratan", to weep, i.e., to weep again] because regret is resentment toward ourself.

    I always thought that resentment was reasonable, acceptable, and almost fun at times. Resentment became a way of life for me because it seemed like I had problems with or was annoyed by most of the people, institutions or principles I knew.

    But, if we want to recover from alcoholism, the BigBook says, "We saw that these resentments must be mastered," and here's why:

    1. Resentment is the "number one" offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else. From it stem all forms of spiritual disease. (Page 64)

    2. It is plain that a life which includes deep resentment leads only to futility. (Page 66)

    3. It is plain that a life which includes deep resentment leads only to unhappiness (Page 66)

    4. To the precise extent that we permit these [deep resentment], do we squander the hours that might have been worth while. (Page 66)

    5. But with the alcoholic, whose hope is the maintenance and growth of a spiritual experience, this business of resentment is infinitely grave. (Page 66)

    6. We found that it [this business of resentment] is fatal. (Page 66)

    7. For when harboring such feelings [resentment] we shut ourselves off from the sunlight of the Spirit. (Page 66)
    [There is a native word of greeting, Ky'hoo'ya, which means "Walk In The Sunlight of the Spirit", and is also a fitting acronym for "Keep Your Head Out Of Your Ass."]

    8. [When we harbor resentment] the insanity of alcohol returns. (Page 66)

    9. [When we harbor resentment] we drink again. (Page 66)

    10. For alcoholics these things [including resentment] are poison. (Page 66)

    11. We began to see that the world and its people really dominated us. In that state, the wrong-doing of others [resentment], fancied or real, had power to actually kill. (Page 66)

    12. We have listed and analyzed our resentments. We have begun to comprehend their futility. (Page 70)

    13. We have listed and analyzed our resentments. We have begun to comprehend their fatality. (Page 70)

    14. We have commenced to see their [resentment's] terrible destructiveness. (Page 70)

    15. Never forget that resentment is a deadly hazard to an alcoholic. (Page 117)

    16. The greatest enemies of us alcoholics are resentment, jealousy, frustration, and fear. (Page 145)

    17. I can't afford resentments against anyone, because they are the build-up of another drunk. (Page 325)

    18. I realized I had to get rid of it [a resentment toward his mother], for my reprieve was running out, and if I didn't get rid of it I was going to get drunk. (Page 552)

    #28     Mar 4, 2007
  9. i cringe when i see this harpy open her neocon receptacle. what is sad is that she actually thinks she is right following modern day bolsheviks into a new communist america. i guess she perceives this as some kind of conservative utopia.

    then you have the war monger network, FOX putting olive oyl on the air waves as some kind of skeletor pin up model for the washington comb over set.
    #29     Mar 4, 2007
  10. When I'm 80, I'm gonna suck a dick. And if I like it, I'm going to shoot myself.

    Now you'll have to excuse me. I have an email about "exact Rolex replicas", and I need to follow up before they're all gone. And after that, Citibank is contacting me about my credit card, so I have to send them my number so they can be sure there is no fraud.
    #30     Mar 4, 2007