Could you translate word "plentysome"

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by stasbz, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. stasbz


    My greetings!
    i have found post - " The many strategies of trading are plentysome"
    What does it mean "plentysome"? i cant find it in dictionary. I am from Russia.
  2. large in numbers. like 'abundant'. There's lots of them (strategies)
  3. stasbz


    thank you
  4. TILT2


    You are lucky to be a Russian, I assume the Russian girls are tall and beautiful!
  5. ronblack


    I wouldn't say "abundant". That's very many.

    Plenty means many (mnogo in Russian)

    Some means enough (nekotoroe in Russian)

    So I think plentysome means "more than enough" but not too many.
  6. stasbz


    Privet iz Rossii. Merznu v moskve.
  7. "Plentysome" is not a word, so there is nothing to translate.

  8. Íà äàëüíèé âîñòîê åçæàé! Ìîñêâå îí ìåðçíåò...Âû òàì oõóåëè áëÿòü ñîâñåì óæå!!!
    ß ñêîðî ïðèåäó...

  9. byteme


    'some' doesn't have the same meaning when it's part of a word e.g. worrisome, awesome, handsome, wholesome

    Those don't translate to: 'some worry', 'some awe', 'some hand' or 'some whole'.

    Even though 'plentysome' isn't a word, a native English speaker would most likely interpret it as: a lot, many or just plenty.
  10. stasbz


    Æäåì :)

    ß ìåðçëÿê, ÷òî äåëàòü, ñ óäîâîëüñòâèåì óåõàë áû íà þã.
    #10     Nov 23, 2011