could the economic situation be different if we voted differently

Discussion in 'Economics' started by morganist, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. I don't really have time for this but you seem to not understand.

    This is not about micro or macro levels.

    Please read the article in it's entirety. There is no mention about micro or macro but a comparison between Mises's and Keynes's economic schools of thought, their blatant differences and corresponding long term consequences.

    History is a great master, too bad societies today still have huge cognitive limitations.

    #31     Nov 8, 2009
  2. Lethn


    I'm going to lol and say:

    If John Kennedy hadn't been assassinated then he would have gotten rid of the fools in the federal reserve long ago since he was an outspoken critic against the military industrial complex, which incidentally I'm feeling now is probably why he was shot.
    #32     Nov 8, 2009
  3. jjf


    I can tell that you are a very busy person, but why not take a quiet Sunday moment or two and reflect upon this thought.

    Imagine if you will that the world does not split into the Mises/ Keynes camps, but rather it is split laterally into the haves (macros) and havenot's (micros)

    Why not throw the upper middle class into the havenots as they are easily controlled from a gov. point of view.

    Now remember Optionpro007 that we are only discussing economics here, there is nothing social about this discussion.

    You can take over the thinking from here because the logic now becomes obvious.

    Remember that vast majority of intelligent people create boxes where boxes do not belong.

    Seems rather odd having this conversation on ET would you not agree.
    A certain sense of irony is in the air.
    #33     Nov 8, 2009
  4. It's not about busy or not, but being able to create a positive exchange of ideas from which we can all learn. No disrespect, but I don't think we were able to, so I will bow out of this discussion at this time.

    Cheers and good trading :)

    #34     Nov 8, 2009
  5. I too am disappointed that Obama has chosen the same set of crooks to handle the financial regulation in his administration that guided it into the mess in the first place.

    However Iran is not a smoking crater, and the militant recruiter's wet dream, our 5 deferment chicken hawk vice president with sadomasichistic tendencies has been retired. So the world is safer from the US going nuclear on some other precieved threat, and going woopsie later on.

    The last Administration squandered the idea of America as a force for good in the world and replaced it with dread among our enemies and allies alike of America's next wild hair.

    By the way, if government spending on plant and capital equipment had not had a positive return on investment ie worked, then the US, and Germany and all of Europe would have never recovered after WWII.
    #35     Nov 9, 2009
  6. Lucrum


    #36     Nov 10, 2009
  7. not really, because the crisis was due to the overwhelming greed of mankind. As there is a cause, there must an action and a reaction, the law of karma is like gravity, it can never cease and is totally impersonal.

    when the young become obsessed with getting the ipods,playstations, when already rich bankers started buying larger yatchs and condominiums, when normal peopel started doing extensions to their homes, building pools and such, this is when things go wrong. life is teaching us a great lesson, abt where happiness truly comes from

    we need to return to a simpler life, eat sleep shit this is all we need, chasing after too many illusory desires only brings abt unmitigated suffering as you can well see now, this is the world's karma in which no one can avoid.
    #37     Nov 10, 2009
  8. bingo

    the media treatment of him said it all

    'sorry, 3rd parties are not allowed'
    #38     Nov 10, 2009
  9. "No one can accurately predict the future. "

    took you a lot of mumbo jumbo to get to that conclusion
    #39     Nov 10, 2009
  10. there are times i think that whole iran sabre rattling was so mccain/bush could hand it to obama and wink, then obama could say 'at least we're not invading iran', and the 2 party farce/dicatorship continues for another term
    #40     Nov 10, 2009