Could Merrill Lynch end up like Fannie Mae?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Recall, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Recall


    MER down ( again ) over 10% on higher than usual volume. ..Could this just be to news on Lehman getting trashed or more behind it as PUT options were very active.

    Anyone here buying MER at these levels?
  2. The real issue regarding Lehman....Merrill is their antiquated business models.....

    Electronic direct access trading should be run by firms such as BATS......just matches names to prices....

    Investment being run out of the country by US legal largesse which comes in different forms....One being the incestual SEC/Corporate relationship......The SEC is just a stepping stone to a real paying Wall Street job......

    Indexing vastly outperforms active management found in brokerages....

    The internet serves information better than individuals.....

    The firms are basically busted....and just like anyone else...have no real worth.....caused by overleveraging bad assets for which they were supposedly sophisticated investors as they created them.....

    They took bets and lost....why should taxpayers pay them ?
  3. Lehman will file chapt 11 ... after that mer will get the hacksaw.

    Do not think otherwise...

    Although I see marrill.. either merging or a buyout .

    Giddy up!