Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-Proof?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by nutmeg, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. Mortgages bundled into securities were a favorite investment of speculators at the height of the financial bubble leading up to the crash of 2008. The securities changed hands frequently, and the companies profiting from mortgage payments were often not the same parties that negotiated the loans. At the heart of this disconnect was the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, or MERS, a company that serves as the mortgagee of record for lenders, allowing properties to change hands without the necessity of recording each transfer.
    Earlier cases focused on the inability of MERS to produce a promissory note or assignment establishing that it was entitled to relief, but most courts have considered this a mere procedural defect and continue to look the other way on MERS’ technical lack of standing to sue. The more recent cases, however, are looking at something more serious. If MERS is not the title holder of properties held in its name, the chain of title has been broken, and no one may have standing to sue.


    ...what MERS did allow was the securitization and shuffling around of mortgages behind a veil of anonymity. The result was not only to cheat local governments out of their recording fees but to defeat the purpose of the recording laws, which was to guarantee purchasers clean title. Worse, MERS facilitated an explosion of predatory lending in which lenders could not be held to account because they could not be identified, ....

    cont on link..
  2. Federal and State district judges are requiring original documentation before allowing foreclosures.
    Haven't seen much in the news lately, but I've seen more than a handful of those stories in recent months.
  3. This would seem like a big incentive for the fed to have a robust loan modification program and it's not happening. Get these people on the books with the rightful owner of the mortgage.
  4. google the legal term "unjust enrichment"

    Unjust enrichment means when a person unfairly gets a benefit by chance, mistake or another's misfortune for which the one enriched has not paid or worked and morally and ethically should not keep. A person who has been unjustly enriched at the expense of another must legally return the unfairly kept money or benefits. Unjust enrichment is an equitable doctrine applied in the absence of a contract and used to prevent one person from being unjustly enriched at another's expense
  5. pupu


    Where can I get one of those?

  6. Own a bank ... Apply for TARP or
    get a bonus working on wall st unjustly enriched
  7. anything on google for "unjustly impoverished"?

    Legal fees come to mind.:eek: