Cost to go public on OTCC or Pink sheets?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by short&naked, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. I have seen several different quotes from different sources concerning the cost of getting a ticker symbol on on of the OTC exchanges (with Pink usually being cheaper). Some mention the use of an existing shell + reverse merger, while others advocate starting fresh. At this point I'm very confused by the various options.

    What is the cheapest way to get a ticker symbol? (and what are the steps and costs?)
  2. ElCubano


    buying a shell and reversing is the cheaper route. Just make sure that you suck up all the paper. If not youll have some riding your coattails.
  3. it's my understanding that starting from scratch and avoiding all the legal troubles is the best.way to go
  4. tiddlywinks


  5. Excellent advice.

    That is the cheaper and faster way to go!
  6. I forgot to add that Elite Trader is the best place for legal advice. Especially when it comes to going public... Screw paying a lawyer if you can find it on here...
  7. ElCubano


    you're probably right.
  8. ElCubano


    :D he can ask a securities lawyer and they will tell him the same thing..fastest for sure, maybe not cheaper. Some shells go for 250 300k
  9. Most tickers are going to run about 500k to get things going properly . The keyword is "properly" because it can be done cheaply but you might just find yourself out of the legal fees and in the middle of someone eleses mess. And don't forget you need to get the shares trading so you need lots of paper to pay people with. If you can't get them trading you just blew a ton of money for nothing and the odds are against you. Just look at how many penny stocks that don't trade and already have everything in place!

    I hate to say this but unless you already have deep pockets it is not going to happen.

    The poor have no business getting involved in this business.
  10. ElCubano I forgot this is Elite Trader and we are ALL the exception to the rules......
    #10     Apr 4, 2014