Cost of hedging USD exposure

Discussion in 'Forex' started by Chuck Krug, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. Hi everyone,
    Sorry for the noobish question, but it never came up before.
    As a European, how much would it cost to hedge 1 year of 100k usd exposure?
    + what are the best products to do so? futures? or anything else?
  2. It completely depends. Long or short usd exposure? What size, you sure 100k or more? And what is your base currency that you aim to take exposure to?

  3. Base: euro
    Long usd
    Amount: 100k euro
  4. TommyR


    35 bux.
  5. You can buy EUR corresponding to USD 100k. The interest rate schedule (your cost) at IB is:

    You can buy EUR futures. The interest difference if build into the price of the future. I assume buying futures is a cheaper way to do it since you will pay the same implied interest irrespective of the amount hedged - whereas at IB as you can see in the table above, you will pay incrementally smaller interest rates the bigger the amount.

    The liquidity of the futures does not seem impressive, but 100k should not cost you anything significant in terms of price impact, but you will have to pay at least some of the spread plus a couple of USD in commission.

    I have never hedged currency. There may be smarter ways to do it.
  6. would you care to elaborate?
  7. I agree!