Coronavirus outbreak: Trump considers reopening U.S. economy despite COVID-19 spread

Discussion in 'Economics' started by OptionsOptionsOptions, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Coronavirus outbreak: Trump considers reopening U.S. economy despite COVID-19 spread

    • Good move. Trump should do it.
    • It's ludicrous to shut down the economy over the flu.

    dozu888 and Nobert like this.
  2. gaussian


    Ding ding math called and the exponential curve doesn't care about your economy.
    Picaso, albion and Lou Friedman like this.
  3. Cuddles


    How Gaussian of you!
    zoned_post_meridiem and gaussian like this.
  4. I don't think we have the ability to stop the exponential growth in the USA.

    Herd immunity is what will happen, even if we try to limit it some.

    My current opinion is that is good news for bears when people realize this.
  5. It's funny how you guys wanna believe that C19 is nothing. Virus deniers.

    Covid is gonna shut down the economy, one way or another.

    The viability of the US economy is predicated on tax advantaged profiteering. Corps can realize larger margins through global labor arbitrage and monopoly pricing power.

    In 2020, and going forward, Americans are no longer carefree. They no longer have tons of spare cash to blow on trendy junk and debt financed consumption. They will be paying on debts.

    They will fall behind on debt service. This cannot be avoided. It is obvious.

    They will have less disposable income. They will stop being as able to waste money on overpriced crap.

    These margins were used as a justification for equity valuations that have no basis in reality in the new economy. The second tech bubble has popped.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2020
    Picaso and comagnum like this.
  6. Cuddles


    we may hit 500/day today. RIP Italy
  7. And I see nothing to show that it won't just keep getting worse.

    We have more places in the USA for it to spread to. Things could easily become overwhelmed.
    comagnum likes this.
  8. My nephew teaches English in Wuhan and he is still not free to roam. It's slowly loosening up but people are still scared and it's been three months. The bolting of doors on people who refused to Quarantine, why do that? Why did the Chinese lock Wuhan down when their known to be more relaxed with people's lives? They are aggressive businesses people not known to care about workers. What do they know about Coronavirus? My point is, does Trump know what potential hell could spread because billionaires want workers back while their in bunkers? No easy solutions here, nobody really knows.

    Edited to clean up phone mistakes.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2020
    farmerjohn1324 likes this.
  9. iprph90


    Once the virus starts preaching in the Bible belt, gains a following, and deaths rise......his approval rating will plummet.
  10. We need to know the real death rate of C19, and now fight against it
    #10     Mar 27, 2020