Cops Defend Pepper-Spraying 8 Year Old

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Thats hilareous 8 year old! "Stand back, Phazers on stun!"
    #11     Apr 6, 2011
  2. Let me check my crystal ball and look into the future.......


    I see a young man.... yes..yes.... he will breed.
    #12     Apr 6, 2011
  3. I saw the interview of the kid and his mom on tv. The kid was pretty funny and was cool about it, he didn't seem upset about it. His mother didn't seem upset either. The kid was honest and didn't make any excuses.
    #13     Apr 6, 2011
  4. The mother said this was between the school and her child. The kid never acts that way at home.

    My guess the kid doesn't do anything at home. There's no consequences at home when the kid acts up in school. No one is re-enforcing the school message. (Probably because nothing works). Bet the kid doesn't do homework.

    He said school takes time away from his mother. (red flag - screw loose).

    Meds? Tried them, made him fat. Hmnnnn... doesn't everything. You have an untreated nut job walking around at 8, good luck.

    You know what was conspiciously absent from the interview?

    No one asked for help.
    #14     Apr 6, 2011
  5. maxpi


    If he's diagnosed as a psychopath then flip the switch and fry the little son of a bitch... can you imagine the damage the little ass will do over his lifetime, it can be staggering... one guy died in prison after doing AT LEAST 100 murders, he thought it might be closer to 200.. his rap sheet: 2 misdemeanors for road rage!!

    It won't happen because the public sector is a bureaucratic nightmare but all psychos should be flagged early in life and put in a database. That data should be compared to unusual numbers of animal deaths, human deaths/disappearances and fires in his vicinity...
    #15     Apr 6, 2011
  6. What would have been your solution?

    Seriously, explain what the cops should have done?

    #16     Apr 6, 2011
  7. You are lobbying to kill an 8 year old.

    Let me guess, you are a sanctity of lifer, right?

    #17     Apr 6, 2011
  8. Hello


    Im kind of up in the air on this one, on the one hand, the kid probably learned a lesson, and got what he deserved for being a spoiled little shit.

    On the other hand it is becoming far to common that these cops are just lazy ass holes who want to use their tasers and pepper spray every chance they get. The taser or pepper spray, should be used only when there is no other option, and they are in serious risk of being badly hurt, not just because the cop is too lazy to wrestle a piece of wood out of an 8 year olds hand.

    They should make a new law up that when a cop uses his pepper spray or tazer, unjustly that the victim who got pepper sprayed/tazed gets to pepper spray or taze the cop in return, maybe then we wouldnt have all these overzealous assholes with badges running around.
    #18     Apr 6, 2011