Conspiricay Theory: Blueprint for War

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by limitdown, Mar 6, 2003.

  1. how did we get to a point in this country where 50% of the supposedly highly educated people living in luxury compared to most places in the world and with very few limits to your freedom will believe any conspiracy theory they read on the internet about their own country.
    its sad really and i think it has dire long term implications. here is an article discrediting the latest theory about us going to war because we fear oil being priced in euros.
    #41     Mar 29, 2003
  2. i was only guessing as to where mecro was going. i know exactly why we are going to war. btw, that article is a good read.
    #42     Mar 29, 2003
  3. That's just keep on worrying about watch your Fox news and listen to your Rush's all carefully designed to make you feel exactly as you do. Glad to see you're doing your part. The State relies on folks like you. Don't you forget it!
    #43     Mar 29, 2003
  4. WTF does that mean???:D

    I think you're trying to say "Reaganomics, or supply side macro-economic policies take years to affect positive economic growth at the micro-economic level."

    Which is pretty much true except that we are in a current state of overcapacity - the problem is not to little supply at the top - it is to little demand at the bottom! Adding more to the top will only further exacerbate the problem! This is the paradoxical folly of the Republican plan. It will enrich a small few at the expense of the vast majority, and do nothing to solve any of our fundamental problems.

    Yes economies are cyclical and no the current administration is not solely responsible for the current problems - BUT they ARE responsible for enacting policies that address fundamental problems and solve immediate needs - for the greater good of the country - this is what the Republicans have failed to do.
    #44     Mar 29, 2003
  5. you have no idea how i feel but i will lay it out for you. i like most people know deep down that what we are doing in iraq is the right thing in the long run for the people of iraq but i don't think anything in iraq is worth the cost of our dead soldiers.
    i also know that i personally would not want to go over there and fight because i would be risking my life to protect people like you. i know that if there are terrorist attacks they will be in liberal areas of the country like new york or california and i would not be willing to sacrifice for that.when i see these protesters on tv calling our soldiers baby killers it makes my blood boil. most of our fighting boys live on food stamps while these hollywood protesters live in luxury. the good of america die young while the scum prosper.
    #45     Mar 29, 2003
  6. Yes, I can see the State is doing well with you.

    You have internalized the principle mandate - "you're either with us - or - you're with the enemy."

    Your simplistic world view now forces you to see diversity and dissent as a threat, and your programming tells you even your own fellow American citizens are your enemy - for the sole reason their ideas and beliefs are different than your own. A gold star for you my boy!

    Kind of ironic that the administration doles out tax cuts to the rich and welfare to corporations while slashing Veteran's benefits and the very social programs those fighting boys families rely on just to survive, no? "Compassionate conservatism" they call it. Pretty catchy name huh?
    #46     Mar 29, 2003
  7. lindq


    You are absolutely correct. NOTHING in Iraq is worth what have gotten ourselves into, especially considering that there were other solutions to the problem. War is hell enough under any circumstances, and putting ourselves directly in the dead center of the hornets nest in the middle east is not going to solve one damn thing. It will only create further hatred and recruits for the militants.
    #47     Mar 29, 2003
  8. I would rather be the scum with no blood on my hands than one of those good of yours who kill so that others (oil companies) can benefit from that. Because it is the oil companies that will truly benefit from that in the short and long run. Whether anyone else will remains to be seen. Considering that this only makes the next terrorist attack more likely I seriously doubt that the people at large will benefit from this war. Quite to the contrary. However, I am sure that the war propaganda will do its best to brainwash them into believing that they indeed benefitted from that greatly. I see the signs of that already. Liberating the Iraqi people is the latest propaganda trick. Now, when the WMD have failed to materialize and that was the official reason the war against Saddam was launched one has to give the people some other reasons to believe that the war in Iraq is right, right?

    This war is immoral and it is the real scum that is responsible for it.
    #48     Mar 29, 2003
  9. #49     Mar 29, 2003
  10. Wow that's really scary. Do youthink they might do something odious like try to get corrupt hack politicians on state courts to let them recount ballots until they get it right? Oh sorry, that was your guys who tried that.
    #50     Mar 29, 2003