Consolidated Audit Trail Costs May Hit HFT Hardest

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Options12, May 11, 2012.

  1. Have to really disagree with this assertion. Such a system would have done nothing to prevent eg Madoff.

    Storing data doesn't solve anything, unless there is a regulatory structure in place to actually use the data. There is nothing in the proposal that would have caught, eg, Madoff sooner, because that would require empowered regulators, which are virtually non-existent.
    #21     May 23, 2012
  2. It would have alerted Madoff's scam much sooner. He created false trading reports based on the returns that Madoff ordered for each customer. Having a consolidated audit database would have allowed the verification of those trade reports instantaneously with minimal resources.

    As it stands today various trade/order information is stored at several locations including FINRA, SEC, various exchanges, etc. That makes it that much more difficult to verify trade reports. It would go from taking weeks to minutes to verify such information.
    #22     May 23, 2012
  3. LOL Just imagine billions and billions of quotes/transaction data that has to be stored EVERYDAY (and night) for the rest of the decade. That is a really BIG amount of data. Not talking about the complex that has to be designed for their manipulation and analysis. I bet the gov have more than a pair of underground strategical data storages with tons of data from any kind from the last 40-50 yrs. And everyone of them maybe costs even more to maintain (knowing how much does the military loves to overprice their projects).

    You are still trading in the 90?. Things changed, and a lot since reg NMS. The SEC/FINRA are just a big guy fighting against millions of mosquitoes at the same time. The audit trail will work like a nice insecticide in their hands.

    Right now every dirty strategy used since the begginin of the XX century is being recreated in a micro-scale (all the old pool tricks, specialists things, MMS things, everything, everyday). And no one can prove nothing if there is no trail of the movements.
    #23     May 23, 2012
  4. The SEC already had enough information that "would have allowed" them to figure out Madoff. They even had direct testimony.

    Lack of data was never the issue - lack of will was the issue - and that's not something piling up petabytes of data can solve.
    #24     May 23, 2012
  5. TraDaToR


    Exactly. Just a new waste of money.

    I hope they will at least manage to keep the supercomputer free of porn so that they don't have to change it every 2 years...
    #25     May 24, 2012
  6. Madoff wasn't found earlier because of the delusion surrounding him. I bet even SEC guys had money with him. And even if they found him, they could only use it to earn fast money, and take all out :D.

    Anyway, HFT doesn't have anything to do with that. Audit trails are needed.
    #26     May 24, 2012
  7. Bison42


    Any of you see where the Mtual Funds want to create their own exchange so they can eliminte the HFT crowd.

    Could be a good start.
    #27     May 24, 2012
  8. gandieB


    I have read a lot about it and it really hit hard. Consolidation is really important.
    #28     May 28, 2012
  9. zdreg


    maybe for people like you. good traders adjust.
    #29     May 28, 2012
  10. BUTfr


    That answers my question. I have always wondered how HFT can make money by trading a few thousand trades a day. The price doesn't even move within a second, how can a trade make money if the price doesn't even move?

    Turns out a few thousand "trades" should be labeled as a few thousand "fake trades." But many reporters and writers about HFT (Reuters, Bloomberg, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, CNN Money, etc.) have been wrong and misleading. They baffled me for a long time.
    #30     May 28, 2012