Conservatives losing trust in science because of liberal science like global warming.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wilburbear, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. \


    Bullshit chart from a bullshit site. IOW....bullshit.
    #11     Mar 31, 2012
  2. jem


    Nice non response about climatology.

    Actually I did look at the NASA website which got me suspicious about this whole deal.

    It seems its not really the NASA that is putting this out.
    It is the jet propulsion laboratory at Cal Tech which seems to fall under the NASA umbrella. but the websites are different.

    I am slightly surprised it is not at CAL Berkeley and funded by Pelosi directly... but now I understand why now I understand the reason for the biased conclusions. .
    #12     Mar 31, 2012

  3. A mind is such terrible thing to close.

    Yes all the data on NASA and NOAA about AGW are from U at Berkley.

    #13     Mar 31, 2012
  4. Eight


    I know a guy that is terribly concerned about GW. He's also got Asperger's and is at a developmental stage of about two years old. He carries plastic sheets around with him to cover chairs, I guess he's worried about ass sweat contamination or something, I'm not going to ask him. Starting a conversation with him is a huge mistake, it turns into a GW rant in no time..

    I'm sure that he falls asleep every night assured that he has the intellectual high ground.

    Who wants to read a lot of quotes from scientists that have been outed as perpetrating fraud and jury rigging statistics to try to stampede us into paying the UN some taxes?

    Communism redefines the word truth as "whatever benefits the state" so I really, really try to stay away from getting my truth from the Left. I want the truth, not that shit they dose out..
    #14     Apr 1, 2012
  5. "Who wants to read a lot of quotes from scientists that have been outed as perpetrating fraud and jury rigging statistics to try to stampede us into paying the UN some taxes? "

    This is total bullshit. Prove it. You can't because it hasn't happened. Only in dull righty minds.
    #15     Apr 1, 2012
  6. jem


    the leftist futurecurrents working with the leftist troll playbook. why deal with facts when you can insult and misrepresent.
    #16     Apr 2, 2012