Conservatives hate government

Discussion in 'Politics' started by kgharris, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Neo-cons are a diverse group.
    Some are the ideologists of old - who were strongly left-extremes ... others came along half way, bought the "logic" and "research" presented as some reasoning, but never got the whole ideology - but stick to it as a choice --- although it is based on false premises and repugnant special interests/greed.

    Yet others are ethnic and social values-oriented, and support neo-cons while keeping their religion and perception of age old enemies intact.
    #31     Oct 30, 2008
  2. Good post. Right on all counts.
    #32     Oct 30, 2008
  3. I'm done discussing this with you.
    You are a mindless dweeb without the faintest idea of what you are talking about. You can't even understand fascism or anything as complex as history. Anyone can look up the concepts for themselves and see that you are wrong.

    See also

    #33     Oct 30, 2008
  4. So Gringinho, what is your basic argument? Ive gotten lost.
    #34     Oct 30, 2008
  5. My first post was about how neo-conservatives are NOT proponents of "small government" - but like Richard Perle and David Frum outlined in their book - they'd like for a strict social control, where public citizens report on "suspicions persons or activities" as well as biometric identification cards -- and stricter policing control domestically, as well as numerous "enemies" that must be destroyed... they are the embodiment of a "police state."

    In fact, George Orwell the author of "1984", based the book on the writings of James Burnham and the authoritarian totalitarianism he promoted.

    Neo-conservativism is "political radicalism" - meaning that they project their ideology on all facets of society, policies, and demand that other individuals align themselves to their "rules" and thinking. There is no "democratic consensus," and they see themselves as having "the responsibility to provide intellectual leadership" - take the power and "bring order to the chaos" - a society not aligned to their thinking.

    That is what disgusts me most about them - their vile disregard of civil liberties and total lack of respect for individuals or freedom.
    #35     Oct 30, 2008
  6. Do you think in any way neocons came about through illegal immigration. Fiscally I am against illegal immigration because i think they will hurt our country in the long run. I heavily doubt i should be called a neocon because i want people to actually have a legit form of identification. Whether the form of identification is biometric or not is a very small issue compared to the big issue.
    #36     Oct 30, 2008
  7. As for the police state. Everyone wants their society to be safer but i agree that there is a point where things become so policed that personal liberaties and freedom are hindered. The problem is that it almost seems that liberals are so entirely against the beliefs of neocons that they disbelieve in anything neocons believe in even when punishing child molesters and getting real forms of identification which is the most logical.
    #37     Oct 30, 2008
  8. NeoRio1,

    you are not a neo-con unless you buy into all/most of their policies and ideology. The problem is that if you start agreeing with them on "everything" you will be hard pressed to find other ideologies which are consistent enough for you to make a "rational case" for your views --- i.e the neo-cons flesh out their policies and ideas with "logic" and "research" - but as we all know you can pretty much prove what you want as long as you take things out of context, selectively exclude relevant information etc.

    The point is - you will have to "develop your own philosophy" unless you accept the neo-con ideology in full, when you first start down the slippery road of accepting their viewpoints. That is NOT something an average person is equipped to do - knowledge wise etc.

    A police state is first and foremost "totalitarian" - which is where the "political radicalism" comes in. Immigration is a problem when there are great differences between regions - of course - and the solution is obviously to help in stabilizing other regions so they can enjoy continued growth - not destabilization like the US normally foes through "power projection."
    #38     Oct 30, 2008
  9. Gringinho do you believe that some far left liberals go against logic in order to disagree with neocons or in order to consolidate against them?
    #39     Oct 30, 2008
  10. Gord


    What a pile of bull - all rhetoric and no substance. Name one country that fits your definition...

    (Please say the United States and illustrate for everyone what an ass you are...)
    #40     Oct 30, 2008