Conservatives: Always on the wrong side of history.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RCG Trader, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. The South, ironically enuf, felt the same way you do. It had nothing to do with slaves. It was all about "culture" and "heritage".

    So let me concede the point and say the conservatives want to rebel, just how, in theory, would they do this?
    #41     Aug 17, 2012
  2. Coming from you 88.....well, I just have to consider the source. If that's how you feel, that's how you feel.:)
    #42     Aug 17, 2012
  3. mav is correct the "labor theory of value, has been thoroughly refuted and rejected."
    #43     Aug 17, 2012
  4. You also completely share 88's values, so again, I must consider the source. You have already posted content from a racialist website, and an extension of that philosophy is that you believe in a Darwinist economy.

    Ayn Rand, anyone?
    #44     Aug 17, 2012
  5. Define it .
    #45     Aug 17, 2012
  6. +2 each

    SS just isn't legitimate. It is outside of federal power as laid out in the Constitution. AND there are writings from the time stating, in certain terms, that only the listed powers are legit.. entitlements aren't one of them. This should be a matter for each State to decide.

    Some of the founders supported slavery, some did not. The authors of the Constitution knew they could never get it ratified if they made slavery an issue. Jefferson, for one, was aware of his hypocrisy and I believe he released all of his slaves by will, when he died. They left it up to future generations to deal with the problem, it's been dealt with.. let's move the fuck on. Oh and slavery didn't exist here because of the newly formed nation, it was institutionalized by the (British) colonies long before.
    #46     Aug 17, 2012
  7. Mav88


    oh it's not how I feel, it's a consensus conclusion

    we are talking about a theory that has been analyzed by thousands and rejected both for its quantitaive predictive power and its logical consistency. Figures you would not know that. You are in intellectual wacko land if you still think the LTV has an merit.
    #47     Aug 17, 2012
  8. Mav88


    and communism is a dehumanizing tyrranical system of government, nice values
    #48     Aug 17, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    I think several of them owned slaves.
    #49     Aug 17, 2012
  10. Legally it hasn't been an issue for over 140 yrs , but somehow to lots of african americans they are psychologically stuck there as if they experienced it daily personally.
    They will not ,cannot move on;nor can they compete & function in a global "information"economy.
    #50     Aug 17, 2012