Congress just doesn't get it

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by DonKee, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Wow, you guys might get all you asked for and a whole lot more! Be careful what you wish for! If you get wiped out, remember you asked for it!
    #31     Sep 23, 2008
  2. We have no say in the matter. They're not asking.

    I do hope we get the expected correction down to 7,000. That is anticipated, or any bull market will be short-lived. Gotta let the market get to real value before we can expect the bulls to return. All else is just propping up the markets. Election year?
    #32     Sep 23, 2008
  3. phu780


    Yeah but I think that's a better way to go than wiping out every taxpayer, most who didn't ask and don't want it.
    #33     Sep 23, 2008
  4. Watching this spectacle off and on I'd just like to see somebody tell the whole truth. Here's how I'd like to see it asked.
    Mr Paulson, you're asking for 700 billion dollars to unfuck this mess, but you can't really tell us what the plan is in any detail. All we've heard is if we don't do it, the world as we know it is gone forever.
    I want to know EXACTLY what that means. I want you to tell me and the other people fronting the money for this just what Armageddon is. Spell it out! Make the room go quiet as I've heard happened last week. Make our faces go pale. Otherwise, it just sounds like more Bush administration scare tactics. It's like you're asking me to buy the most expensive car on the lot, but you won't let me even see, let alone test drive the car prior to purchase. Further, you're dealership has a reputation for selling some real shit. If you're unwilling to spell it out so that EVERY American knows ALL the facts, then I ain't buying shit. Let the chips fall where they may. Push comes to shove I know how to survive under difficult circumstances. Do you?
    #34     Sep 23, 2008
  5. I fully agree......
    #35     Sep 23, 2008
  6. Do you really expect the people with the money and power to do anything in the interest of citizens except that which appears to be in the interest of citizens? Why would anyone expect more than just a show put on to keep the taxpayers paying?
    #36     Sep 23, 2008
  7. For the same reason that you cannot pop a bubble cleanly, you cannot expect Paulson to go into grisly detail about the possible ramifications of what will happen if the situation gets much worse. He's doing the system a favor keeping all the sheeple in the dark. If they all began running for the exits because he shouted "fire!" he really would be incompetent.

    Taxpayers are probably better off just letting him do his job. If you really want to know what is possibly going on, educate yourself. If you expect Paulson to spoonfeed you with the real answers, then you are one of the people Paulson quite rightly wants to keep in the dark for your own good.
    #37     Sep 23, 2008
  8. So he saving the poor unwashed masses from themselves? Bullshit! He/they are being vague so they can hide/steal the money anywhere/anyway they please.
    #38     Sep 23, 2008