Congrats To George Floyd! Drug and Crime Free For A Month!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FortuneTeller, Jun 28, 2020.

  1. Corky5


    Thats hilarious ! Its also very true.
  2. Corky5


    Damn, i just heard he pointed a loaded gun to the stomach of a pregnant devil worshipper in hell.
    holy shit, he just stole her devil horns.
    i guess his crime free streak just ended.
  3. We get it. You guys don't think minorities should be treated equally under the law.

    You choose to be obtuse because it serves your purpose. How clever. No one can see you for who you really are under your sheets.
  4. Corky5


    George Floyd isnt the minority, he is the majority. The majority of violent crime is committed by black males. Dont count out black women though, they can be equally as violent.
    smallfil likes this.
  5. It's coming for you, Corky. It knows garbage when it sees it.

  6. When his 2 month record without drug use and crime we should have a big party for him.
    smallfil likes this.
  7. elderado


    And...Hell to the No.

    DTB2 likes this.
  8. wildchild


    George Kirby and Floyd Taylor are also drug free.
  9. Corky5


    George Floyd is still drug free and crime free. He must of had one hell of an intervention.
    #10     Jul 4, 2020
    FortuneTeller likes this.