Congrats Fed! Maybe CPI Will Heal Itself: Inflation @ 9.6% Annualized

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ByLoSellHi, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. clacy


    Immigration.................err wait. No, they both were very liberal on that one.

    Supreme Court, actaully Bush was 10x better than Reagan on that issue.

    I don't know, I give up.
    #41     Aug 14, 2008
  2. Exactly. Very little if ANY difference on economics. Clearly Bush is more slavishly devoted to the security of Israel. Reagan thought the Jews and Arabs deserved one another. Hard to argue with that. But domestically not an iota of difference and as you point out with the Court nominations-Bush might be a more conservative ideologue than Reagan.

    And on the topic of this thread it was Ronald Reagan who DESPISED Volker because of those rate hikes which crippled the recovery in 81-82.
    #42     Aug 14, 2008
  3. gnome


    Black mark against Reagan, in my book. America recovered from what Volker did. It's likely we will be destroyed by what GreenScam and Bernanke have done.
    #43     Aug 14, 2008
  4. I agree and Dutch was proven wrong. But it's bitter medicine for voters to hear that 18% interest rates and 11% unemployment have an upside down the road. As I get older I'm less and less a fan of democracies.....
    #44     Aug 14, 2008
  5. Cesko


    Sounding like an ass-kisser, I said long time ago Makloda and Landis were right AND THEY WERE PROVEN RIGHT.
    Anybody aware what's going in China must have figured out that CHINA IS THE MAIN CULPRIT IN CREATING INFLATIONARY ENVIROMENT.

    Second, how can anybody bitch about Bernanke knowing what we all know today? WTF else he should have done???
    #45     Aug 14, 2008
  6. gnome


    Too bad voters couldn't back up one square and see what CAUSED the need for 18% interest rates.... same crapola we got going today... (1) Gummint deficits, and (2) money pump by the Fed...
    #46     Aug 14, 2008
  7. sprstpd


    The problem with this is once inflation starts, you can't just stop it unless you have the balls to Volckerize it. And clearly nobody has the balls anymore to Volckerize anything.
    #47     Aug 14, 2008
  8. America won the Cold War with the Russian Communists.

    Then American companies with their stooge politicians sold America to the Chinese Communists.

    Hear how Bush wants to "engage" all the time? Why doesn't he look into Putin's soul now and engage him in Georgia?
    #48     Aug 14, 2008
  9. gnome


    It seems few of us understand the ravages of inflation. It's not an OK thing... seems to cushion some negatives in the short run, but a sustained policy of inflation is like the Black Death to a society and country.
    #49     Aug 14, 2008
  10. buylo


    Ditto. As a 10 year futures trader, I thought we would not be this high again, but I will take some guesses. 116020 recent high dead ahead for the 10s. I am guessing some risk in the world with Iran, and then Russia and Georgia. With the stimulus checks cashed and spent, I think the retailers are feeling the heat. With IFO shitting itself in Germany and Trichet raising rates (yes, he actually does what he says in his mandate) fears might be rising about a global recession. Also unemployment is not coming down.

    With a CPI printing high, I had told myself that with a high CPI and a high claims print the 10 year might be a decent fade if it gets halfway back, since oil has been cascading down and should make for a lower CPI next month. Caught it for a little bit.

    Any other thoughts would be welcome.
    #50     Aug 14, 2008