Compliance to "diversity" and "affirmative action" cost 4% of GDP each year.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by phenomena, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. An ad hominem attack from a PC orthodoxy leftist... Big surprise... LOL!!!

    This is part of the problem, left wingers are taught that ad hominem and non sequitur are legitimate approaches to an argument.

    #21     Mar 7, 2011
  2. It seems to me that any dignified black should stand up against Affirmative Action and any form of government discrimination against whites. They didn't want it done to them, so they shouldn't want it inflicted upon others, right? Equality is what they wanted, right? Not racially based preference schemes, right?

    Correct, and it is an argument that I get into often as a student on history and the psychological effects of the conquerors and the conquered, all the time.

    A classic symptom of the colonized mind is to take the ills of the oppressor and adopt this behavior, hence the rampant use of the word n*gger in the black community. When I explain it to people I have to use "battered wife syndrome" as it is the best approximation to this behavior.

    So you just want to end quotas, no one intelligent is against this.

    My issue is your belief that races exist. Cultures exist, but not races. Science does not recognize this. Homo-Sapiens Sapiens is what exists.

    Based on your belief that races exist, it sounds that you imply that some races are better than other races at doing certain things. You fail to factor in an infinite number of variables. You deal in generalities, hence, you pre-judge.

    Next question.
    #22     Mar 7, 2011
  3. :D And based on your posts I could definitely build the case that you are over sensitive about whites, especially white men:D

    Since you happen to be one and everything.:)
    #23     Mar 7, 2011
  4. I agreed with it. Sotomayor is not in the position to allow historical occurrences to affect the letter of the law. She was out of line, especially given the facts.

    I tell people all the time that I would not disallow the Klan or Farrakhan or La Razza their constitutional rights. We should hold the constitution sacred, and if America had done this from the word go, we would not be having these conversations today.

    In the marketplace of ideas, I am a firm believer that the best ones always win.

    Things like kill whitey, the Jews control the world, and send the n*ggers and wetbacks back to where they came from is a symptom of an unhinged mind, and it will manifest itself in grand fashion at some point.

    Just ask Adolf Hitler, who was duly appointed chancellor of Germany. Most people forget that. An unbalanced mind always implodes, always
    #24     Mar 7, 2011
  5. pspr


    I'm all for affirmative action. When ever you see a good looking girl you need to get affirmative and take some action!

    But, that legalized discrimination against us white boys, that's a load of manure. Martin Luther wouldn't even go along with that crap. Equal rights all around is what is called for. If I can spit farther than you then I should win the spittin contest. Nobody should get an extra 5 feet because of his skin color. If you can't spit well, go to spittin school for help not to the govmnt. Same for everything else, too.
    #25     Mar 7, 2011
  6. I am still hoping that someone will post evidence, or show some sort of proof of how compliance to diversity and affirmative action cost 4% of GDP per year. That is a very powerful statement and it would be very nice to see the statistics or other data that proves the point.
    #26     Mar 7, 2011
  7. pspr


    You should really learn to use search engines. You'll probably need to go search for the original Forbes article mentioned to answer your question.
    #27     Mar 8, 2011
  8. My real question is how many members of the black caucus are there? If these polices are just so wrong to so many, the pubs alone have enuf votes to overpower the CBC.

    My question is, how much do the members on this board represent the real America? I think it is but a vocal minority, which is the source of the complaints year after year. You guys just do not have the votes!
    #28     Mar 8, 2011
  9. For some reason you seem to think republicans = white people, and democrats = nonwhites/self hating whites, when that's not the case. The fact is both parties are pandering for minority votes. Both parties are highly keen to avoid anything which could possibly be construed as "racist".

    Besides, no one will put the issue on their platform for fear of being called the 'r-word', which is the worst thing one can be called in America.

    If one wanted to end discrimination against whites, it must only be because they hate nonwhites. That's the common charge. No one wants to endanger their political career in such a way. Proponents of anti white policies such as "diversity" and AA are in fact creating racial tension by now allowing the issue to be discussed without accusations of racism and hatred. Such accusations will cause the frustration metastasize, which will create racists, and resentment towards nonwhites. Merely mentioning the issue would be political suicide at this point. Not because most of the nation wouldn't agree, but because the left would mobilize all their resources against whoever dares to commit the heresy. However, it would be much better for everyone if the issue were allowed to arise organically, rather than being suppressed.

    #29     Mar 8, 2011
  10. Problem is you are making the assumption that there is enuf frustration to create a metastatic state. Racists are not usually created situationally, they are created culturally, and I know this first hand. Most racists, both black and white, have no valid reason to be racist other than the reality that they heard it early on from an authority figure and did not make cognitive effort to revisit those early lessons and think them through.

    You need to show evidence that this "frustration" is enuf to cause metastasis in the American organism.
    #30     Mar 8, 2011