I am compiling a list of futures/options brokers, that will be listed in the "Rate your broker" section. You input to the list is appreciated. Rosenthal Collins Group http://www.rosenthalcollinsgroup.com/ GNI http://www.gniinc.com Refco http://www.refco.com/ Cannon Trading http://www.e-futures.com/ eLocal http://www.elocaltrading.com Netfutures http://www.netfutures.com/ PFG http://www.flight2quality.com Gelber http://www.gelbergroup.com/ Man Financial http://www.manfutures.com/ Zapfutures http://www.zapfutures.com Vankar http://vankartrading.com/ Online Trading Select http://www.onlinetradingselect.com/ ApexFutures http://www.apexfutures.com Global Futures http://www.daytrade4less.com/ Price Futures Group http://www.pricegroupetd.com/ ProEdgeOnline http://www.proedgeonline.com
here are a few more futures brokers waiting for your ranking: http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Investing/Commodities,_Futures/Brokerages regards wild
Alaron Trading http://www.alaron.com/ ABN AMRO http://www.abnamro.com/futures/ Carr Futures http://www.carrfutures.com/ Vision http://www.visionlp.com/ eFutures http://www.efutures.com/ Here are some more: http://www.cbot.com/cbot/www/firm_type_display/0,1498,14+59+null+18,00.html
Could you provide more info on the above two? Only firms providing fast trading platfoms such as J-Trader will be included.
http://www.siliconinvestor.com/stocktalk/msg.gsp?msgid=17222812 There are a few others within this list also. I forget which. http://daytradingstocks.com/futuresfxandoptionbrokers.html
Also the stock firms as well...terra nova, tradestation, my track, cybertrader (soon), mbtrading(soon), redi firms have it as well.