
Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by wwatson1, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. I have been making good % gains month on month in my Forex trading account for just over a year, but because I have a very modest size account I was looking at ways to speed up my earnings rather than wait 3 or 4 years to build account up to a ££ amount that would give me a full time wage, for example £40-50k trading capital.

    What would be the best way forward?
  2. IAS_LLC


    Well, you could lever up even more (personal loans, home equity loans, credit card cash advance,etc)....but, that is obviously a risky endeavour and probably not advisable, unless your looking to roll the dice
    wwatson1 likes this.
  3. I don't really have a great credit score to do all that
  4. IAS_LLC


    Patience is what you need then.
    wwatson1 likes this.
  5. Yes I'll give it another 5 years :rolleyes:
  6. Speculate


    Go to a prop firm of course. Or trade fx futs via topstep
    marketsurfer and Alpha Trader like this.
  7. I live in Newcastle, no such thing
    Visaria likes this.
  8. Big AAPL

    Big AAPL

    So, you're saying you don't have access to ANY currency futures across the pond?
  9. Eh?
  10. Big AAPL

    Big AAPL

    Currency futures. Leverage without the spread. Am I out of bounds here?
    #10     Aug 16, 2015