Communists and Teabaggers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by omegapoint, May 3, 2010.

  1. Ricter


    The commonality of both groups is their perception that they are on the wrong side of resource flows and on the wrong side of power arrangements.
  2. Legitimate power arrangements?
  3. Ricter


    Odds are that those with the power believe they are legitimate arrangements. : )
  4. What both are protesting are those powers that are beyond their abilities to do anything about. I think Henry Ford had a vision that
    if applied universally would have gone a long way to alleviating alot of the troubles this country finds itself in.
  5. Ricter


    Which vision of Ford's are you referring to?
  6. Trickle down economics. Let me add, with demand side consumer
  7. Ricter


    Can you give me a sketch of how this might defuse the Greek situation? I'm still a bit unclear on your direction.
  8. All economic setbacks have the same origin. Wealth gets hoarded
    increasingly at the top, demand suffers because people withhold
    purchasing and tighten budgets. That is well meaning working people; there is such a thing. The disparity of wealth has been
    documented enough for its effects, as we're now experiencing them, to by now be self explanatory. You're setting me up
    to be attacked by the pack here.
  9. Ricter


    Ok, I now see what you mean. But fear the pack not! We have at least a fifth grader's understanding of primate bahavior on our side, as well as more scientific observations of the effects of economic inequality.
    #10     May 3, 2010