commodity charts and symbols

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Kris, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. Kris


    Where can I find online charts for commodities? I generally use and can pull up charts for $WTIC and $GOLD, but for things pork bellies, wheat, coffee etc. where can I get a chart? What are the symbols?
  2. Try search on google with terms like "chart pork bellies".
  4. the only thing you'll get is delayed...but for Futuresource or Barchart are ok, preference would be Futuresource.
  5. Handle123


    This is by far the very best that I have ever found for Free End Of Day Commodity and Stock charts, and it offers Price quotes delayed for futures and options, it offers much information.
    beginner66 likes this.

  6. L A Z Y :p

    I do not remember where I found this list:

    Contract months, are used to identify the month, where the futures contract expires, Futures contracts symbols are quotes in the following format, CCMY,
    CC=refers to the contract symbol
    M=refers to the contract month
    Y= refers to the contract year
    i.e SPZ9, refers to CME SP Futures, Z, refers to the contract month, followed by the year, 9 equals to 1999.

    Month Symbol

    January F
    February G
    March H
    April J
    May K
    June M
    July N
    August Q
    September U
    October V
    November X
    December Z
  8. .
  9. syd697


    I usually use to find the days to expiration for futures options, but sometimes their info comes up blank. Anyone know of another website that gives days to expiration for futures options contracts?

    #10     Dec 8, 2008