I just ordered Van Tharp's new book: "Financial Freedom Through Daytrading" and I would like to hear some comments/reviews from people that have already read it. Will this book be like the others that focuses on "scalp" strategies that are way too subjective and difficult to master and trade ? ? I read Van Tharp's Previous book: "Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom" and it was the only single book the really helped me understand what trading really is. hsanson
1) Weren't both of those originally published in the late-1990's? :eek: 2) The psychology-related and risk management-related content will always be valuable but the trading & scalping-related portion is obsolete in my opinion. 3) Go to a public library in a wealthy suburb to get that book before buying it.
It isn't a "new" book Financial Freedom Through Electronic Day Trading by Van Tharp and Brian June (Dec 18, 2000) http://www.amazon.com/Financial-Fre...keywords=Financial+Freedom+Through+Daytrading Can't imagine it is much better or different than his original book
Going through old threads is interesting. Outside of strategy, you have to search for them. But you can see the same threads repeating over and over, at least whenever I search for a specific topic. Also, fun to see if people back when are still posting now.