Comey Clears Hillary

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. gwb-trading


    "That's not what he said" Actually it is what he said, but it is not the intent he is trying to get across. He knows that. And I know that. He was trying to trying to rile people up, and I responded deliberately ignoring Ricter's intent and focusing on his exact text. There is no misunderstanding going on.
    #21     Jul 5, 2016
  2. conduit


    Why would he rile people up stating a fact. Certain Republican elements are the biggest conspiracy theorists the world has to offer. I hardly see anyone who considers himself a Democrat with crazy conspiracies running around.

    #22     Jul 5, 2016
  3. gwb-trading


    Then Ricter should have directly stated "Certain Republican elements are the biggest conspiracy theorists the world has to offer and must think this lack of indictment is a conspiracy" instead of "Because of the conspiracy, you mean?" which makes it appear that he supports it was due to a conspiracy.

    The basic reality in this case is that there was not sufficient evidence to charge Hillary with a crime that could be successfully prosecuted. What she did was very poor judgement, but most of the actual fault would fall on others rather than her (everyone who copied classified info out of one email system and into the other then forwarded the info to her private email address).

    Anyone who thinks that the Justice Department of a president who is of the same party of the leading candidate would aggressively pursue a case that would probably fail to lead to successful prosecutions after huge expense is kidding themselves.

    For any rational person, there should be no surprise this was dropped. Justice is not blind, there is always a thumb on the scale and a weighing of the likelihood of successful prosecution.


    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
    #23     Jul 5, 2016
  4. Wallet


    Funny, "intent" is not part of the legal requirements to prosecute under US Code title 18 37.793

    Hillary is guilty by her and Comey's own admission.
    #24     Jul 5, 2016
  5. conduit


    Fully concur. It was incredibly poor judgement no question about it.

    #25     Jul 5, 2016
  6. conduit


    You forgot to mention guilty of what? Conspiracy? Are you accusing her to work for the Arabs or Russians?

    #26     Jul 5, 2016
  7. no Ricter, only the partisan republicans and Bernie Sanders and the libertarians think the system is rigged. For democrats it's a perfectly fine system.
    #27     Jul 5, 2016
  8. m1nt


    laughable. Oliver Stone??? (and many others). btw, I have been an Independent for a long time. No straw man, thanks.
    #28     Jul 5, 2016
  9. Wallet


    Another CNN/MSNBC/MSM, spoon-fed, mindless imbecile.

    It isn't a marking that makes information classified, it's content. Hillary knows this, and her "I never sent or received anything marked classified" is an attempt to mislead, now we know that even that was a lie.

    State documents and information are sent over their own secure interdepartmental service and not the internet, for Hillary to receive them on her own personal email account, means someone took them off (copied them) off a dedicated and secure source and retransmitted.

    That's a felony, irregardless of intention.

    I might add that everyone, everyone that has been brought up on similar charges has had the book thrown at them, thats the seriousness ofthe charge...... Until today, Until it involved a Clinton
    #29     Jul 5, 2016
  10. conduit


    Which conspiracy theory on the Democratic side? Please list them up. I can't see any. The rest of the world thinks that Trumpf is one of the worst demagogues. That is a fact not a theory.

    #30     Jul 5, 2016