Comedian Bill Maher donates $1 million to Obama super PAC

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Banjo, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Dont forget the higher taxes that made everyone pay their fair share
    #21     Feb 24, 2012
  2. Lucrum


    Better than your go-to guys, Bill Maher and Jon Stewart.
    #22     Feb 24, 2012
  3. Wow. Two douche bags mentioned in one sentence. I think I am going to puke.
    #23     Feb 25, 2012
  4. Brass


    The hell he is. Breitbart has self-actualized as a punchline for comedians. Maslow would be proud.
    #24     Feb 25, 2012
  5. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Max, I swear, I think you are retarded. I have never said ALL of anything. But you keep on saying this. Please post where I even implied that ALL white males are racist :D

    But then again, I think you are mad about something, it is Obama? Just what are so mad about? It's a great country we live in, and getting better by the day. What exactly is your trouble?
    #25     Feb 25, 2012
  6. It's kinda sadly funny really. Cause as you age, you are only going to get more pissed.:D


    I've never seen such a collection of racist, intolerant, homophobic, anti-American, irrational, assholey bigots in all my life as I see here. These turds represent one of the worst aspects of America. The only positive is they will eventually die and be replaced by better Americans. And you know what they say about guys who need big flags and fast cars. It's called compensation.
    #26     Feb 25, 2012
  7. kut2k2


    I'm especially amused by the fairytales of "no drugs, violent crime was non-existant" in the 1950s. These mouthbreathing klanboys are utterly delusional. For one thing, the Mafia had free reign during the 50s because J. Edgar Hoover decided that the FBI was better utilized chasing imaginary communists hiding under citizens' beds than going after real organized criminals.

    Biggest collection of reactionary knuckledraggers in trading, right here in ET. Does ET advertise in StormFront (that would explain a lot)?
    #27     Feb 25, 2012
  8. "Max, I swear, I think you are retarded. I have never said ALL of anything. But you keep on saying this. Please post where I even implied that ALL white males are racist :D

    But then again, I think you are mad about something, it is Obama? Just what are so mad about? It's a great country we live in, and getting better by the day. What exactly is your trouble? [/B][/QUOTE]

    What exactly is your trouble?"

    One clue is the sophomoric user name showing his immaturity. Another possibility is that he really needs a maxi-pad - all the time.
    #28     Feb 25, 2012
  9. rew


    Yup, but then the floodgates of immigration were opened up, causing a permanent surplus of labor, making it easy to bust unions as well as keep a lid on white collar salaries.

    So who favored that? The corporations, of course, but also the left. The same liberals who bemoan the rising inequality in this country also insist that it would be racist to reduce immigration or to enforce immigration law.
    #29     Feb 25, 2012
  10. Yep, see the thread, my contribution to reduce CO2 emissions:D

    Who actually starts a thread announcing they are buying a new car???

    Answer, someone who is profoundly insecure about their manhood.:)
    #30     Feb 25, 2012