College up 100% since 2000 VS healthcare of 55%

Discussion in 'Economics' started by noob_trad3r, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. isn't that called price gouging? the idea of more students should bring cost down since they already have the buildings in theory.

    #31     Feb 8, 2013
  2. The Fed keeps printing money
    Post Office keeps printing stamps
    Colleges keep printing diplomas
    Which becomes worthless first?
    #32     Feb 8, 2013
  3. zdreg


    'I consider myself rather apolitical."

    it does not matter what you say you consider yourself. you are a fabian socialist who look to gradually strangle the private sector through regulation.

    "What we have going on right now is a combination of public education being moved, by the back door, to the private sector in small steps (a bad idea in my personal opinion) combined with inflation."
    the last thing the US needs is a a semi -monopoly on higher education. the education of americans in lower grades and in higher schools has not been exactly successful.
    #33     Feb 8, 2013
  4. piezoe


    I'll try to remember that!:D
    #34     Feb 9, 2013
  5. just remember this

    my high school was 14 miles from my house

    so that's 28 miles r/t

    and everyday

    I would go the gas station

    and hand them a one dollar bill

    and tell them

    give me a pack of Camels

    and put the rest in the tank

    (and back then, they pumped it for you, you didn't even have to get out of your car)
    #35     Feb 9, 2013