College May Become Unaffordable for Most in U.S.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by turkeyneck, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. Marijuana is legal in the Netherlands as well.
    #51     Dec 5, 2008
  2. gnome


    And are not Dutch girls all tall, blonde and have HUGE sweater kittens?
    #52     Dec 5, 2008
  3. My cousin has only worked one job. He started out as a cook at the Cheesecake Factory when he was 16. He was a manager at 21 and at 29 he is a GM for them, making just at 200k a year. I don't know how this year will turn out for him but it surely will be more than 50k a year. Point being, there are opportunities out there for those that don't have a degree.

    After completing two Masters, I believe college is a stepping stone for most unless we are talking about a learned profession (Doctor, Attorney, CPA)...Well I guess everything could be a learned profession but you know what I mean.

    College taught me a few basic things...How to build a two story beer bong and...well I can't think of the others. Just kidding.

    As I look at the current college students, damn they get dumber and dumber by the year! We had a nation wide test not to long ago, referred to as the...'election'. That should say enough. LOL
    #53     Dec 5, 2008
  4. Well, a lotta these kids are going to get a real education soon . . . . . in the school of hard knocks.

    Damned, I sound like my hard nosed uncles when they talked to me as a kid ! (Dad wasn't a business guy. But had lots of other kinds of experience as a career soldier who had been shot at in various places around the world in a few wars & police actions.) - - -
    #54     Dec 6, 2008
  5. MattF


    ^^it's amazing how the cycle continues...and then when we tell our kids the same things...
    #55     Dec 6, 2008
  6. #56     Dec 7, 2008
  7. Pekelo


    I love it!

    Here is my take: If your employer can not tell the difference between you not having an actual college degree/education and having one, then really, what is the point of having one???

    I had a friend who already had a business degree from Europe, got another one here in the US and went to work for a bank. When I asked if her knowledge was really needed she said anyone with a high school degree could do her job.

    So the degree needed only for the entry, not for the job itself...
    #57     Dec 7, 2008