College Major for Hedge Fund

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Filone, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Filone


    Hi,Some people recommended me to choose mathematics or computer science at college to work at a Hedge Fund(my dream is to have one ) beacuse the future is HFT,so...what u recommend? Business,Maths or Computer Science ?
    Eddie Schaub likes this.
  2. ktm


    To run a hedge fund?

    Psychology - with a minor in herd behavior.
    Pricechange and Eddie Schaub like this.
  3. Ditto.

    Also good to understand "front of the herd" vs "back of the herd".
    Eddie Schaub likes this.
  4. Computer science, it has enough math (generally speaking) in it and gives you the tools to operate in a digital world. Business studies are irrelevant nowadays imho. And it'll work as backup in case the hedge fund thing doesn't work out.
    Eddie Schaub likes this.
  5. 2rosy


    I see
    2 with double major math/economics
    2 with math
    1 compsci
    1double finmath/economics
    1 ee
    1 analytics finance mba
    All from name schools; birds of a feather
  6. xandman


    If you think HFT is "the future", the you have to learn CS at the graduate level at least.

    You should read more about the business of Wall Street to understand the relevance of HFT to each line of business.
  7. Not all hedge funds employ HFT. Years back I recall some big name hedge fund guy saying, "we're long the 100 best stocks... and we're short the worst 100". They had a good year. That's what hedge fund investing is really all about.

    (Hint: Most "hedge funds" are really glorified leveraged long funds or HFT plays.)
  8. xandman


    Exactly what I was trying to imply in my statement.

    For example, Convertible Arbitrage is one of the long run top alpha producers. To pursue this avenue would probably require a degree in Accounting and initial placement within a credit rating agency. You would have to work your way from there to an IB.

    There's just so much about the business that is not captured within the Amazon best seller list, Youtube pseudo-educational clips or the internet as a whole.
  9. 2rosy


    I worked at a firm with a convertible arb desk. No one followed that route. They had options trading backgrounds
  10. Doesn't matter what you major in :confused:...just make sure you basically graduate in the top of your class from an Ivy League college. -- and have Connections.
    #10     Sep 5, 2015