Coiled markets

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by topgunn, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. Oh gheesh !! Here we go again......would anyone want to waste more time with a man who doesn't come through with his promises....this is the man who was going to stop being a vendor to manage money and at one time leave ET for good...yet here he is trying to make somebody look like a liar....somebody who has no financial interest in posting here or on any forum....when does it end...?

    If there was something else I could do to guarantee that Austin P was gone from vending and this forum forever then I would have tried to do more...but his promises and guarantees me nothing........ so all my efforts perhaps have been a paper pushing waste of time and he wants me to do it again??? Ridiculous....

    Now let me take this opportunity to 'Plug" where I do can go see if there is such a thing as a "bar break" doesn't exist as posted by me.....I guess he is so use to being on "guard" that he doesn't even know who he is "fighting" with anymore. and can't keep his facts want to hand over money to this guy...?? sad.....

    Any way you can go to and do a search on posts by me.....i am BruceM over there....look around if you want and look at the pitbull threads or anywhere you want.........once again this will prove that AustinP doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.....perhaps he has me ( and my e-fax statements) confused with someone else who challenges really is a shame that this kind of stuff goes on.....

    The only reason I posted the web site is that others can go "see" that Austin is lying.......hopefully these posts won't also get deleted.......

    I usually post vendor related things here and post trade ideas and vendor comments at the other site.....I have been "warned" here before by the mods about my "contribution factor" so this may get deleted too.....hopefully they will let the truth be known...

    He never changes...only his methodology does so he can charge you again!!! Good luck with'll need it..


    #31     Jun 14, 2008
  2. So where is this "bar-break" system that I have...? Hmm...lets see...

    It can't be in any emails to him because he said we didn't exchange any emails.... so therefore it must be posted somewhere.....( to be honest I don't actually remember having any system/bar break thing) lol...perhaps I am the one who is wrong and I will apologize if it turns up somewhere....

    Now if Austin is making up stuff to try and make somebody look bad than that speaks VOLUMES about his character......Lets see what he uncovers for us.......I'm sure it will be another song and dance around the truth....

    #32     Jun 14, 2008
  3. I don't think I've seen so many new alias' on ET with the exception of maybe...maybe.. the old Bulls n' Bears and Pureshit shills.

    It's quite entertaining when u think about the new alias' and what they say and at the same time know who's doing it.

    Kinda like writing your own epitaph before you die.

    "George Bush was not only the smartest president to ever have served his country, but saved the universe from total destruction by inflating the economy and oil prices. We will forever remember him as a true patriot and not the clueless asshole everyone claimed he was"
    #33     Jun 14, 2008
  4. <i>"And besides I already E - faxed you 4 years of statements last time we got into all this"


    Me posting some silly trade results/blotter is not going to do anything to change that ..I don't need that for my credibility...

    Bruce, let me see if I have this straight. You feel no need to validate yourself with silly trade blotters, yet you dug out, compiled and faxed <b>four years'</b> worth of trading statements to validate yourself.

    So which is it? I'm confused about that point.

    I don't know what it is you vend in exchange for ego-satisfaction elsewhere. If my recollection is errant, I apologize sincerely. That doesn't change my opinion that you don't trade and just troll here for the bitchfest. That's my opinion, and I'm stating it in public.

    You've spewed enough of the same drivel over and over again. You purported to e-fax four years' worth of personal, sensitive documents to someone you publicly disdain. Based on all those truths from you, what is so hard about posting just one month's worth of trade data here in ET?

    Or we can post over in the other forum, if you prefer. I say you are a lying fraud who cannot and will not trade. Maybe I'm wrong, it's easy for you to prove otherwise.

    I'm willing to refute your empty, derogatory rhetoric in the same public fashion which you puked it out. With real trades to help correct your errant beliefs.

    Where I come from, that's what credible men do.

    Here you are in a trader's forum, and you have (allegedly) attempted to share four years' worth of trade history with me, a total stranger to you. What's it gonna take for you to man up and share just one measely month's worth for real?

    Bruce, you keep strip-tease talking with the general population here. I'm talking directly to you. You've been called out as an ego-vendor, a liar and a fraud. Nothing wrong with any of that, if it's indeed true.

    Handle it any way you see fit.
    #34     Jun 14, 2008
  5. here comes the song and dance from Austin P ..get your dancing shoes on........where is the bar break stuff..stop dancing you lying bastard......?...Show me it Austin P ..then we'll continue....come clean with the GOODS for once....

    stop stalling!!!
    #35     Jun 14, 2008
  6. <b></b>

    Bruce, I owe you an apology and I mean that sincerely. When we first began this exchange, I thought you were someone rational and sane, if albeit misguided.

    It's raining buckets here today and I'm pretty much stuck inside for now. So I cruised the other website to see what gems of valued contribution you have to share for the greater good of mankind.

    Guess what I ran into? The deja vue of this wretched thread has already been played out before, with others. All you've done is regurgitate or copy-paste the same drivel again. Here you had me thinking all this time that I was actually your first. Now I feel so used.

    Earlier I was angry. That's gone now, Bruce. It was replaced by pity. I'm sorry to have disturbed you further than you were before.

    The friendly offer still stands. I'm always willing to put up real-time trade statements right alongside yours. Feel free to out me any time you wish. All that's required is posting one month's worth of real trades together, hand in hand, arm around one another like two good trading buddies.

    Maybe that will help heal the festering wounds from vendors' past transgressions against ya.
    #36     Jun 14, 2008
  7. That's the best you got Austin...? A link to a confrontation with the Trading ZOO...? are on the same level as them I guess...

    Where is the bar - break since you obviously went to mypivots to go look for it...? Was that a lie also?

    Keep those shoes on folks...AustinP is starting to dance....

    Keep looking...! You are a liar..plain and simple.....

    So the bar break stuff gets you a reply...other wise you'll have to dance with someone else.....

    You're a real tough ..all talk and no action....

    here is what I started to type about Austin before I saw that last post linking mypivots///

    "What is Austin going to once again promise to leave the forum if I comply with his request ? Last time I sent him the statements and he didn't keep his word to me so I'm suppose to fall for this scam again........

    I guess he thinks people are suckers....lets see that bar break stuff Austin or was that a lie too......

    Show me the goods....Another AustinP lie to try and promote his vending service...

    Obviously he's passionate about this as his vending income is at stake......what do I gain? Nothing!!

    I'll keep after you....

    lets see if he's lying and the forum can judge this one simple fact...c'mon...we don't need to wait a month again and go through all that paper pushing again....

    You are a bad man and need to come clean.......aren't you required to repent your sins or something like that?

    The forum is you gonna get out of it this I said...this all "speaks" to who you are as an individual who vends.....

    C'mon.....lets not dance any more...and quit changing the the link to the bar break or shut your've had enough fun for a joker..You are as guttless as they it or don't even reply....this is wasting as much time as I did with my e-fax ...or a trade blotter....

    It gets tiring for those of us with no financial interest at do it for the money so it's different "

    I'll be here...

    #37     Jun 14, 2008

  8. It's the other way around, Baron should pay you to have you as a contributor.
    Imagine that one of the market wizards of Jack Schwager had to pay to contribute on this forum.
    You people are lucky that an expert trader like Austin is sharing wisdom on this pikers forum.
    Austin, you simply don't belong on the "bitch fest" called ET
    #38     Jun 14, 2008

  9. Can you post specific links that prove that Austin is lying ?
    #39     Jun 14, 2008
  10. <i>"Keep those shoes on folks...AustinP is starting to dance...."</i>

    Not hardly. All done here in this thread, and with you forever, Bruce. You take care of yourself now. Get well soon.
    #40     Jun 14, 2008