CNN's Brianna Keilor goes flaccid on the air.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. Heh, just saw lefty cnn Brianna Keilor bring lefty cia former director.Leon Panetta on her program for the obligatory round of smug Trump bashing in regard to Iran.

    Except you could visibly see her losing her erection as she worked her two major questions and Panetta said that he agreed with Trump on both issues. Smarten up Leon, that ain't why they have you there.

    First she asked about Trump's handling of Iran and if he was going to destroy the world etc. So Leon says that both sides are locked into positions that have pre-conditions that they are not going to budge on- but that Trump has repeatedly offered to meet with the Iranians - WITHOUT PRECONDITIONS- so basically Iran would be nuts to not accept that.

    Next she set him up to ask about Trumps statements to the effect that Iran's statements about the alleged spies was basically bullshit and lies. Reminding everyone before he answered that he was a former CIA director and is obviously smart and informed unlike Trump. So he pipes up and says that he agrees with Trump. That if Iran had identified or was uncovering a spy ring they would not be bloviating about it on the air, that they were just trying to maintain face with the rest of the world by making it look like they are doing ballsy things, and that definitely we are spying on them but this is not how they would handle it if uncovered.

    Pretty funny. Not saying that makes Trump right or wrong about anything or that it is necessarily good to have Trump and Panetta agreeing. Just saying he went off the script a little and forgot that CNN already has the right answers for their guests to be using as a script and Leon apparently forgot that for at least this one interview. Usually he remains compliant with what the terms of contract call for.
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