CNN: Confederates were terrorists

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MohdSalleh, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. It was not a revolution, it was treason by members of the United States...

    The southern traitors were crushed, and should have had all their lands taken away and they should have been treated like the terrorists and criminals they were...

    We should have treated these scum the way Germany did the Nazis after the Nazis were crushed.

    Anyone with a Confederate flag?

    Put their traitorous ass in jail...

    #11     Apr 11, 2010

  2. Well come and get it if it bothers you so much optional.
    #12     Apr 11, 2010
  3. Oh Piker, stop trying color over the facts. Slavery and the effects of its abolition were ABSOLUTELY the cause of the war.

    I swear, Piker, if you had been alive in 1776 you would have been a Tory, in 1860 you would have been an advocate of slavery, in 1940 you would have sided with Lindbergh and supported Nazism, in the 50's, McCarthyism.

    The times and issues may change but the instincts and politics of a reactionary, of a conservative, never do. Confront your fears, embrace change or you'll be a malcontent the rest of your life.
    #13     Apr 11, 2010

  4. Honestly I no longer recognize the legitimacy of the US govt as the one begun by Washington and the founding fathers.

    It needs a major overhaul.
    It's not likely but it is possible if enough people realize what they've lost.

    So you calling me names over the internet is not a really big deal.
    #14     Apr 11, 2010
  5. Please, approach a federal marshal and tell him that you don't recognize the USA as the legitimate government of the United States of America...

    #15     Apr 11, 2010
  6. Oh puhleeze, name another country where it took an internecine war to merely outlaw slavery.
    #16     Apr 11, 2010
  7. He would have been one to applaud the National Guardsmen at Kent State for killing the war protesters...

    #17     Apr 11, 2010
  8. So leave. Go to the low tax, static social Darwinian state-of-dreams that you wish to impose on our country.

    We've got plenty of brains, muscle-power, and git-er-done attitude to make up for the loss. We also have more people coming in every day and progressive policies that allow our current citizens to 'go for theirs' and move us forward.
    #18     Apr 11, 2010
  9. Establishment of personal property rights and their protection is the cornerstone of western civilization.
    #19     Apr 11, 2010
  10. And WHO has threatened your 'personal property rights' ?!?! I mean, if you're trying to stop an interstate or school from being built then take the compensation offered. (And don't even offer up the 1 or 2 examples of property being purchased by imminent domain for the purpose of building a shopping center: those people were well compensated for their land.)

    I have a brother who works for the state and buys private property from people for the building of roads and, I assure you, they don't 'steal' property from anybody. At the same time, they don't let one anti-society crudmudgen stop the whole process either.
    #20     Apr 11, 2010