CNBC Needs To Be Investigated

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by MrDODGE, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. The Stewart bit was funny and well produced but so what?

    CNBC is to blame for not catching Stanford?

    CNBC is to blame if CEO's either don't tell the truth or even more likely know as little about their stocks future valuation than we do? Stewart's criticism would be akin to a reporter being lied to by a politician and then us blaming the reporter. I'm usually pretty anti-media but, c'mon.

    Slamming Kramer? Good.

    Calling Chicago "Wall Street"? Bad.

    The "salient" point-a word used earlier-is that Stewart is a millionaire member of the elite entertainment class with his own commie kikey cunt agenda. If you noticed he passed FAVORABLE judgment towards bailing out homeowners.

    Consider the gist of his piece:" Santelli and the ignorant futures traders surrounding him are insensitive agents of an inept network defending both inept businesses and criminals while the American television viewing homeowner suffers. "

    Is there a large kernel of truth there? Certainly. But is that truly the systematic way the world works? Obviously not. If it was then Kenneth Lewis would be short millions of BAC shares rather than long them.

    So in fact Stewart didn't use humor constructively but vindictively. While alluding that experts don't know anything more than homeowners-a truth or obviously coaches would quit and become gamblers-he instead made it seem like CNBC was too stupid to see the truth unlike our genius, great for the markets Ivy League President. Well as a bear and a index short through at least 60% of this move I'm disdainful towards ANY bull but do I feel CNBC was any "wronger" than a zillion other people? Not at all. And they certainly give voice to bears. Schiff has been guesting on there for years.

    Also as perma shorts can tell you-UNTIL Stewart's favorite socialist was elected-the bear rallies were pretty friggin' sharp. It's only been since Obama moved ahead in the polls that every market in the world threw in the towel and said, "That's it. Capitalism is dead. Even the American's are going pro-tax, anti business". We lead global markets by example. Now we're just another fucked up socialist state and with crappier unskilled minorities. Now that's the REAL story and it's the Stewart's and his fellow leftists fingering the trigger on the gun extinguishing you. I hope you laugh at his jokes to your grave.

    P.S. Sorry for typos and bad grammar but I'm multi-tasking.....
    #11     Mar 5, 2009
  2. SForce


    I'll volunteer to investigate Rebecca Jarvis and Trish Regan.
    #12     Mar 5, 2009
  3. Your anger is misplaced.

    Despite a few technical misnomers, such as implying the CBOE is Wall Street when it's in Chicago (big deal), Stewart's point is that CNBC does a horrible disservice to anyone foolish enough to watch it, let alone rely on it, in making any decisions.

    Unlike Bloomberg, which mainly reports data in raw form, and when it does venture into the realm of opinion, seeks balance, CNBC is a platform devoid of almost any intellectual worth, and is actually damaging in nearly always conveying terribly biased and flawed information.

    Stewart's bit was brilliant and funny because it's so true in it's fundamental message - all humor that is truly funny has this element in common.

    CNBC, a platform for every self-interested person and firm to hope investors go long, telling people to go long, month after month, for years, as the indexes fall 50% and to 12 year lows....

    ...what could be more true than that?

    Edit - Oh yeah, you're a true asshole in the absolute sense of the word.

    Do you wander around publicly uttering slurs such as 'kike' or 'nigger?'

    Try it some time. By all means. (Pussy)
    #13     Mar 5, 2009
  4. dsq


    youre a racist fucking idiot LOSER asshole... never mind the typos youve got mental issues...cant you post on some wacko 9-11 website...?
    #14     Mar 5, 2009
  5. The sad thing is that he [pabstprime] really gets off on this shit. Using racial slurs is way out of bounds dickhead..but then again, you already you know that you're a dickhead.
    #15     Mar 5, 2009
  6. Lucrum


    Need any help?

    I'm thinking a very thorough and "deep" investigation is needed.
    #16     Mar 5, 2009
  7. Funny but if the left calls people "inbreds" or "trailer park trash" that's all in sport. But if a Jew is identified as a Jew-and the number of non-leftist Jews in the MSM is short-then that identification is racist name calling. Your calling me a whacko or dickhead for the sin of calling Stewart a kike is equally out of bounds.
    #17     Mar 5, 2009
  8. So, you routinely refer to Jews as 'kikes,' think it's okay, make a comparison to alleged people on the left calling people 'inbreds' or 'trailer trash' in defense of and as justification for this implied statement, and you haven't sought professional help and aren't developmentally disabled?

    C'mon and just admit that you're a David Duke loving, Stormfront proud, KKK member.

    Come out of the closet and lift the hood.
    #18     Mar 5, 2009
  9. dsq


    please come to nyc or LA and spew your racist epithets in our jewish and black neighborhoods...please...coward,wimp hiding behiind a monitor.
    #19     Mar 5, 2009
  10. When a group of people-around 80% of Jews voted for Obama-seek through manipulative influence of the media to elect leadership that infringes on my rights then I'll offend that group any way I like.

    Until the day comes that you or I won't GO TO PRISON for being forced to pay confiscatory tax rates I'll spit in the face of oppressors from the left.

    If Jews, blacks and Mexicans were conservatives I wouldn't say a bad thing about them. Instead each group are horeshit socialists with their collective hand stealing the bread from my mouth.

    Class warfare goes both ways babe. Just because I have money doesn't make me any less apt to fight for what I want then some Crip.....

    #20     Mar 5, 2009