CNBC is useless they are talking about digital cameras snp futs just went down 15pts

Discussion in 'Trading' started by breakin, Jul 3, 2003.

  1. trades may have been intentional
    #11     Jul 3, 2003
  2. gms


    Everyone is interested in money and CNBC provides entertainment in that vein. It gives all the tropical resort bars and gyms around the world something to put on that their patrons can all watch while they drink/workout.

    I got an idea. Let's go to HBO and pitch a whole new cable channel, "The Trader's Channel", with shows like historical documentaries on the life and times of Livermore and Baruch narrated by David Odgen Stiers and produced by Ken Burns, trading related game shows like "Burst the Bubble" and "Win or Lose", debate shows on Sunday mornings like "Bulls Vs. Bears", cooking shows like "Eating The Profits", travel shows like "Going Bust", and some late night spiritual programming to round it out like, "Let There Be Gains".
    #12     Jul 3, 2003
  3. fan27


    Miami Vice : 10:00 am eastern. I usually make money when Crocket and Tubs are on.
    #13     Jul 3, 2003
  4. nitro


    To ACE traders
    Thu Jul 3 12:49:24 2003 EST

    We have been contacted by A/C/E regarding a number of out of range executions in the YM SEP 03 and the YM DEC 03 futures contracts

    A/C/E compliance department has stated that all executed trades in the YM SEP 03 which executed at 9017 and below during the time beginning 10:38:00 EST through 10:40:04 EST, has been ruled as erroneous and has been busted.

    Additionally, all trades in the YM DEC 03 contract which
    executed at 8985 and below during the time beginning 10:38:00 EST through 10:40:04 EST, has been ruled as erroneous and has been busted.

    These erroneous executions will be manually removed from your account today

    IB Customer Service
    #14     Jul 3, 2003
  5. Nice, very nice...

    I would subscribe to a day trading channel with some useful info even I get all the info I need from my charts.
    #15     Jul 4, 2003