CNBC Blinded By Lavish Lifestyle Of Another Alleged Ponzi Schemer

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Free Thinker, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. You don't need a big sample size to realize that (i hate to borrow the word out of context from another clueless poster) ... but its a kind of purely psychological jealousy that propels people into these scams.

    It would be much healthier if men stuck to buying classic cars and woman to buying expensive purses, but its still sad to see people gamble their lives away on this kind of impotent "investing".

    There is an author by the name "Rene Girard" whom some intellectual type traders use his views to synthesize their own views of the Market...

    "Girard’s theories maintain that people “borrow” their desires from other people"

    So you'll find their is plenty of desire to borrow, but not enough stock... and then it flips the other way.
    #11     May 24, 2010