CNBC and Jim Cramer

Discussion in 'Trading' started by slug, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    I'll never understand anyone watching Cramer. I don't even think he's entertaining.
    #21     Feb 16, 2012
  2. I switch to Bloomberg at 9 est and then at 11 watch link tv, then back to bloomberg at 12 and then andrea mitchell on msnbc at 1 and back to bloomberg at 2 and judge napalitano on fox at 8 then jon stewert and colbert at 11 and back to cnbc at 6 am

    otherwise, just sports, history and science

    sometimes cnbw but I can only take so much of English accents
    #22     Feb 16, 2012
  3. otherwise, if you miss having a wife who can't understand why you have all this money in a retirement account when she needs things now, msnbc is wonderful. They have a whole lineup of left wing Rush Limbaugh wannabees. Other than Napalitano and Stossel, I just can't take Fox, they haven't had an original idea since they first jerked their knee off, and every opposing idea just makes their knee jerk even more.
    #23     Feb 17, 2012
  4. usrx201


    Man, it's like they slipped a truth drug into him before covertly videotaping him!
    "who cares, fundamentals don't matter"
    "how easy it is too push the futures market one way",
    "just like Fannie mae lies", "they lie", etc.

    I wish he'd talk like that, the way he really talks at home, or with his buddies, on the show in the morning.

    When the news first broke out about Corzine, the first morning Cramer tried to stand up for him.."well, he was a mentor to me". Melissa Lee and that tall guy next to him were just disgusted.

    I remember when he first came on the morning show a few months ago. Melissa Lee looked real pissed having him join her "team" for the first week, and was hostile , snapped at him occasionally, and downright tried to avoid talking to him as if he existed! I bet her family or herself lost money following his calls maybe before she even joined the show!
    #24     Feb 17, 2012
  5. if you lost money listening to him, you probably didn't deserve it in the first place

    it's not that 90% lose, it's just that 90% are gullible
    #25     Feb 17, 2012
  6. Cramer is an idiot I can't stand him. The only reason I ever watch CNBC is because of Rick Santelli. He's the only one who is actually a realist. Liesman and cramer should go jump off the roof.
    #26     Feb 17, 2012
  7. Great link, great thread. Thanks for posting. Every one should watch that. How did you find it?

    "I wouldn't say that on TV"
    "It's illegal, but the SEC doesn't understand it anyways"

    :D I wonder what some of the pipsqueak (no pun) MM's think......................
    #27     Feb 17, 2012