CME signal room

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by sarahheartfelt, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. joe4422


    As seen on CNBC is a bad sign.
  2. lbadisa


    I've noticed a lot of these sites with the "seen on cnbc" link. Can't find anything on CME yet.
  3. joe4422


    Yeah, I'm not sure. Truthfully I have quite a bit of money, so I sign up for these sites, not so much because I'm a shmuck, but because I don't care to try things out for a bit of cash, and the only thing I have to say to so far is that they are honest.

    I did catch one good move with them, and they have listed all the stop outs, so that's a good sign. A few of the stop outs moved for 10 plus points as well, so lies could have been easily brought up.
  4. lbadisa


    Thanks for the update.
  5. As someone said a few days ago, how come only users with fewer than a hundred posts seem to ask about unknown websites (i.e., try to act like a potential customer when in reality, they try to gain free publicity?
  6. joe4422


    They've now started an emini day trading service.
  7. lbadisa


    Hmmm...interesting...wish they had a trial period.
  8. lbadisa


    Hey Joe...I see you doing big things calling winning trades!
  9. joe4422


    They have a trial. I was charged 5 bucks I think.
    #10     Nov 2, 2010