TO: All CME Market Data Vendors FROM: Amy Savin, Managing Director and Chief Marketing Officer Glen Madeja, Director, Market Data Services SUBJECT: New CME Pricing Policies: Market Data Subscribers DATE: December 14, 2000 NOTICE#: Q 2000-75 _______________________________________________________________________ In September, we announced that Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. would develop and implement a long-term, comprehensive pricing strategy by year-end. A number of recommendations have been approved by the Board and are summarized below. There are several changes that will affect you and your customers/subscribers as a market data vendor. As you review the elements of our new pricing framework, we ask that you consider that CME has not raised fees for market data in over six years. In making these pricing changes, we held many meetings with industry groups, performed a competitive pricing review and had several discussions with many of you. After this extensive review, we are confident that you will find these prices and policies to be very comparable to other exchanges. In summary, these changes, which go into effect on March 1, 2001, include: Professional Pricing - Real-time Streaming Data Fees on first locations will increase from $55 to $60 per month Fees on additional devices will increase from $10 to $12 per month Non-Professional Pricing CME will no longer offer a $10 real-time streaming quotes pricing category. Instead, we will offer a $10 one-minute snapshot pricing category for non-professionals. Promotional Quote Program This fee-waiver program will include only the E-Mini S&P 500, the E-Mini Nasdaq 100 and the FORTUNE e-50 IndexTM futures and options contracts. The program has been modified to be a subscription-based six-month trial, after which a $10 per month fee will be charged. A new Schedule of Market Data Subscriber Fees and Charges details the specific pricing changes that will affect you. This document will replace Appendix I of the real-time CME Vendor Agreement executed by your organization. Should you have any questions about the items addressed in this document, or anything in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact either Glen Madeja, Director, Market Data Services ( or 312-930-2740) or Marilee Radecki, Associate Director, Market Data Services ( or 312-930-8193).
Just got this email from Dear Subscriber, We are sending this email to inform clients who use CME futures data of some impending changes to the exchange policies. As of March 1st, 2001 the Chicago Mercantile Exchange will be raising their exchange fee for real-time data from $10 to $60 per month. If you are subscribed to this exchange, the fee increase will be automatically adjusted for the March billing cycle. If you wish to cancel this exchange, you can do so by clicking the below link. One other change to this new CME policy is the withdrawal of the free real-time Globex data program, including Currency contracts and other Globex traded contracts. A CME exchange subscription will be required for any real-time CME data to be received by our users; however the E-Mini Nasdaq 100, E-Mini S&P 500, and E-Mini Fortune 50 will continue to be available in free real-time for our registered users. These E-Mini's will be subscription based starting September 1st, and are tentatively priced at $10 per month. More information about the new CME pricing policies can be found at the following link. If you have any questions, you can contact our client services through our online email forms at this URL: Sincerely, Client Services
Does anyone know if the $10 fee for emini applies only to streaming data or to real time snapshots as well? I am asking this because I often use Futuresource and other websites to get longer term charts during the day I don't want to find out next week they are no longer in real time . Thank you.