CME/CBOT shld be shat upon...

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by 2cents, May 24, 2006.

  1. i haven't done a lot of homework yet on it, but i'm going to put together a list of major electronic exchanges ranked by anonymity factors. has anyone published research like this?

    when dxy breaks 80 or high 70's, i'm planning to start changing dollars to euros, and look for good foreign products to trade directly in euros that aren't afflicted with some of the nuisances on the cme, cbot, amex, nyse etc

    i'd like to reward competition because i think at the end of the day i do forfeit a decent amount of profit to things like unfirm quotes, overprivileged mm's, pro rata matching, etc
    #21     Jun 4, 2006