CLYDE returns!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by stonedinvestor, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. One of my reasons for breathing every day is back in my life, sleeping in my bed again and once again poking around piss in the streets.

    After $2K plus in tests, I still don't know what went wrong but a S load of antibiotics has brought my furry friend home.

    The psychological impact of loving a being so much and not understanding the pain; of having to leave him in a cold dark place with people he didn't know or trust-- that they had to drug and restrain him because he's so F*ing strong that his chest and leg and back were hurt when he came back as well....

    That first time he stretched without yelping in pain,that first time he poked around his toys... That first spark in his eyes, the first time he went back between my legs for a but scratch...

    He was my first foray into adulthood a living being I was 100% responsible for... he is the most perfect doggy you have ever seen....
    I feel like I dodged a BIG bullet here...

    He name is Clyde and he's OK.
    ~ stoney
  2. maxpi


    Furry friends are wonderful. I have Charlie and Blondie, Charlie is old and limps around but he's still game if a cat shows up. Blondie and I developed a fighting game starting when she was a puppy, now she's a year and a half and will play for hours at a time... if I win too much she will up the ante and tear some skin off my arm!! She's part coyote I'm pretty sure, maybe wolf, we have both of those breeding with dogs at times here. Those dogs are sooooo.... much..... dare I say it while Charlie is nearby?..... [smarter] [I'm whispering for Charlie's sake, when he is put out he gets a look on his face that ... well it makes me feel less than I am]