Clueless Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Oil embargo over 30 years ago.

    Give a good reason why we continue to have OPEC matter to the US?

    I said good reason...

    Oh, and I think American corporations should be expelled from America if their actions are putting their own interest above the interests of America as a whole.

    I would punish American corporations for acting in a manner that is essentially traitorous to America.

    China? Fuck em. It was a bad deal ever to get involved with them in the first place. America sold its soul to buy cheap shit from China, and to have them float their currency so Americans can buy cheap worthless shit Americans don't need.

    Trump would do what is best for America?

    When has Trump ever done what is best for America? He is about the deals he can make that profit him, not America.

    No, I want a patriot as president.

    Do I think Obama is a patriot?

    Nope. Nor Bush, nor Clinton, nor Bush, nor Reagan.

    A patriot sacrifices something for his country. None of the presidents we have...going back to Carter who at least served his country in the military (Bush I did that too---but Bush I parlayed that into profits later on).

    We need a real patriot as our president, not a carpet bagger or a pimp for the corporations.

    If the teabaggers or republicans were really patriotic, I might get behind them, but they only care about a certain segment of America, not all Americans. That segment is the wealthy and greedy, the ones who would deny rights to women, gays, the poor, union workers, etc.

    #31     Apr 17, 2011
  2. JDL


    oil is part of the free market, no goverment should control it, now these free market nuts wants goverment to control oil or try to make it cheaper, LMAO
    #32     Apr 17, 2011
  3. Oil embargo over 30 years ago.
    Give a good reason why we continue to have OPEC matter to the US?
    I said good reason...

    Just because there is no good reason to have OPEC matter to the US does not mean OPEC should be allowed to run amok, collude, extort, fix production, blackmail, gouge prices...

    Oh, and I think American corporations should be expelled from America if their actions are putting their own interest above the countries interest.
    Sure, but you think we should take the best interests of OPEC into account when dealing with them.

    When has Trump ever done what is best for America? He is about the deals he can make that profit him, not America.
    He does the best he can for the company he is responsible for. Perhaps if he is responsible for the entire country his actions will be just as profitable. His views on getting tough with OPEC and China (both deliberately destroying american and western economy) are certainly way better than the views of corrupt democrats and republicans who all believe that nothing needs to be done.
    #33     Apr 17, 2011
  4. OPEC countries believe in free markets about as much as Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin believe capitalism.
    #34     Apr 17, 2011
  5. Look, in America, we have anti trust legislation to protect Americans.

    A truly free market devoid of regulation will always have gougers and people with no ethical stance or concern for America as a whole. They will use America like a dishrag to get wealthy, and have no concern for America as a country of Americans as a whole. When oil was deregulated by Nixon and then Reagan what happened? The big 5 oil companies (our own OPEC) bought out the smaller independents, allowing them to control the market.

    It ain't a free market buddy, never will be, because a free market will always screw and abuse the little guy, and make the rules to favor the big guys by the power to buy the politicians.

    We need not ever buy a drop of oil from anyone in the world. We can get energy independent in a few years of we put our minds to it. The resource and technology is here today.

    What do we lack?

    The political will, and the will of the people to demand this happen.

    The muddled baggers don't make energy independence number one, why is that?

    Our forefathers wouldn't have wanted America to be slaves of shit bag countries that hate us, would they?

    So why do the baggers focus on birth certificates and other nonsense distracting aspects of an agenda, when we can get energy independent if the people collective demand it?

    Why don't the baggers start a petition demanding we become energy independent in 3 years.

    Do you know many American would would not sign that?

    Sure, there are the oil pigs who are against it...but the average American, right or left, believes in energy independence.

    So, the politicians lack the political will to do anything about it, why?

    Because the people aren't demanding it.

    Why haven't we seen a republican presidential candidate rise up and make energy independence number one?

    Trump is doing well in the polls over a birther issue?

    How stupid is the republican base?

    Which would be better for America? Energy independence in 3 years, or focusing on Obama's birth certificate?

    This is why the birthers and Trump look so bloody stupid...they are not focusing on how to solve the real problems we have...they are caught up in imaginary problems and partisanship...keeping the attention away from the real problems, and real solutions.

    You want a populist issue that matters?

    Energy independence.

    #35     Apr 17, 2011
  6. Oil embargo over 30 years ago.
    Give a good reason why we continue to have OPEC matter to the US?
    I said good reason...

    Just because there is no good reason to have OPEC matter to the US does not mean OPEC should be allowed to run amok, collude, extort, fix production, blackmail, gouge prices...

    So we have no good reason to be dependent on the whims of OPEC...yet you want to blame OPEC?

    Get real. It is time Americans and America started to stop blaming the outsiders for the problems we refused to fix on our own.

    We care about OPEC because we are their bitches, and this is the fault of America, not OPEC.

    OPEC never forced American not to become energy independent.

    You are way off base on this.

    Oh, and fuck Israel, they can take care of themselves, you and other Zionists have said this many times.

    Oh, and I think American corporations should be expelled from America if their actions are putting their own interest above the countries interest.
    Sure, but you think we should take the best interests of OPEC into account when dealing with them.

    No, I think we should not do business with OPEC, and the way to achieve that is to become energy independent.

    When has Trump ever done what is best for America? He is about the deals he can make that profit him, not America.
    He does the best he can for the company he is responsible for. Perhaps if he is responsible for the entire country his actions will be just as profitable. His views on getting tough with OPEC and China (both deliberately destroying american and western economy) are certainly way better than the views of corrupt democrats and republicans who all believe that nothing needs to be done.

    Trump only does what profits him personally. Getting tough with OPEC and China, is silly.

    OPEC and China are symptoms of America's unwillingness to become energy independent and take care of America first.

    You are dealing with the symptoms, and ignoring the cause...which is typical of most Americans.

    Most Americans want to blame anyone but themselves. Americans are just dopes at the mercy of American corporations;
    #36     Apr 17, 2011
  7. So Trump is going to tell OPEC to lower prices and everyone laughs at the idea.

    Obama told us if we don't like the hihg price of gas to trade in our SUV, then he laughs.

    So far I like Trumps idea.

    While everyone can discuss the pro's and cons of enviro, clean energy etc, we are going broke.

    When a man has a choice between buying gas to go for a job interview or eat, we have problems
    #37     Apr 17, 2011
  8. Pekelo


    Well, this is established US policy, except they don't say it out loud... They use words like "terrorism" and "liberation" but the effect is essentially the same...
    #38     Apr 17, 2011
  9. Trump is going to tell OPEC what to do?

    Why is OPEC going to do what Trump tells them?

    What is our leverage?

    Our best leverage is a realistic and completely committed plan to become energy independent in 3 years.

    That's the best leverage.

    Obama today, right this minute can sign an executive order for solar panels on every federal building, made in America, installed by licensed American contractors employing Americans.

    Obama today, right this minute can sign an executive order to convert all federal vehicles to natural gas, made in America.

    Now that would be a much stronger message than the Donald flapping his hair and gums.

    Why won't Obama do that? Because he is not a left winger, he is part and parcel of the establishment.

    #39     Apr 17, 2011
  10. Pekelo


    Total and utter bullshit. Why did Bush wait until $140? Could he do something around $100? Or 80? There was no signifficantly more production at $140 than at $100 from the Saudis.
    #40     Apr 17, 2011