closing my trading account today too.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NoMoreOptions, Jun 12, 2003.

  1. You are right on. Gee, I think you are with either IB or one of the options exchanges. It took me 12 months to build up a decent account so that I can have more flexibility to trade various strategies until it took only one week for me to get a good chunk chopped off. This week came with the frustration a month or two after you changed something in the system. God bless your soul. I am glad that I stoped before you could take it all. But I am still not sure if you could still destroy my account even if I didn't do anything from then on. I am really worried because of you, because of you so to speak IB to whom I paid really the best due I could.

    "Rome was not built in one day but destoryed in one day or a few." -- John

    #11     Jun 13, 2003
  2. Nothing meaningful to add - this thread just seemed like a good place to push my post count to 100.
    #12     Jun 13, 2003
  3. So close.
    #13     Jun 13, 2003
  4. In retrospect, this seems selfish. But, this thread was a waste, so I hope no one minds. I apologize in advance if they do.

    To give a little something back, I thought I would share a news story to make you laugh:

    The criminal mind never ceases to amaze me with it's creativity!
    #14     Jun 13, 2003
  5. kernan


    Thanks for making me laugh. With you journey to 100 posts more than the news story!
    #15     Jun 13, 2003
  6. Great work!
    #16     Jun 13, 2003
  7. Why do you want to do this to me? You punks. Whose posts are useless. They are yours, IMO. Contrary to yours, I made sound useful points in every post that I wrote. Now you get a life and piss off.

    To others, my appology for responding to the punks in such a hard way. Hope we share some good useful points in our discussion. I am think of something big, like setting up an web site to share my experience of the journey. This is still in planning stage. I will share my experience and my analysis for free or a very small amount of fee to fund the efforts to educate the public and fight or survive the "they". Stay tuned. Thanks.
    #17     Jun 13, 2003


    Are you kidding me? You can't even form a complete sentence or anything resembling a rational thought, and you expect people to pay you for "your trading experiences".
    #18     Jun 13, 2003
  9. You go boy. Even though that link to the shoplifter using bees was pretty funny. And, I don't understand your posts.

    But, more power to you!
    #19     Jun 13, 2003
  10. balda


    I guess I am "THEY"
    shorted at 997.00:D
    more people are bullish than in 2000
    #20     Jun 13, 2003