Clinton weakness in Swing States highlighted in new Poll: Bloomberg.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by achilles28, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. achilles28


    We're gunna beat this bitch. Watch!!

    Polling by Boston-based Emerson College has returned from its summer hiatus, and its surveys of three key states—while confirming Hillary Clinton’s edge in the presidential race—underscore the obstacles she faces.

    • She and Donald Trump are tied in Ohio at 43%, no surprise given that the state is a perennial battleground
      • Clinton has a slight edge in Pennsylvania, 46%-43%, giving credence to Trump’s focus on that state as a potential cornerstone to his White House bid
      • Most surprising is Clinton’s relatively slim lead—45%-40%—in Michigan, which at this stage in the last two presidential campaigns had ceased to be competitive
    • The three states together total 54 electoral votes; support from independents is fueling Trump in two of them
      • In Ohio, the Emerson poll shows him with a 13-point lead among these voters—47% to 30%—and in Pennsylvania, he leads 43%-37%
      • That pattern hasn’t surfaced yet in Michigan, where the poll shows a virtual tie among independents, with Trump at 39% and Clinton at 38%
        • What hurts Clinton in Michigan is a poor showing among younger voters—the cohort that helped Bernie Sanders score an upset in the Democratic primary; currently in the Wolverine State’s 18-34 age group, Trump leads her 45%-33%
        • In Ohio, younger voters are among her strengths; she leads Trump among them 50%-32%
        • In Pennsylvania, it’s tight among this age group; she leads 42%-39%, according to the Emerson results
        • “Clinton had trouble in the primaries with independents and younger voters and it looks like it is carrying over to the general,” Spencer Kimball, director of Emerson’s Washington program, said in an interview
  2. achilles28


    Btw, routinely omits polls that show Trump ahead or tied. They cherry pick polls to include in their average. Further, the polls they do include changed their methodology to show Clinton with a much larger lead. More games from the Liberal Liars. We'll beat them yet
  3. You need a hobby dude.
  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark




    From Nate Silver who successfully called the outcomes in 49 of the 50 states in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election and in the 2012 presidential election correctly predicted the winner of all 50 states and the District of Columbia



  5. fan27


    Is this the same Nate Silver who completely blew it regarding Trump's chance of becoming the Republican nominee?
    achilles28 likes this.
  6. achilles28


    Like I said. Realclearpolitics routinely omits polls that show Trump ahead or close. They cherry pick polls that show Hillary up by the largest margin, and use that in the calculation to obtain the average.

    BTW, which sock puppet am i talking to today? Why do you keep changing your name and abandoning your old handles? Conduit. Probably. Please write us another obituary in the Feedback forum ;)
  7. achilles28


    Haha is that right. What a bitch. All these Liberal bitches are the same. Habitual liars and fraudsters. The truth and facts mean nothing to them.
  8. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Same guy.So his record in picking states in the 2008 and 2012 elections and 2016 primaries is
    100 - 2
  9. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    If they're cherry picking they're doing a good job since the majority of the polls they posted in 2008 and 2012 had Obama winning.:cool:
  10. achilles28


    Bloomberg is very biased against Trump. Has been the entire political season. Michael Bloomberg hates Trump. Bloomberg just quoted a series of polls showing Trump a near statistical tie in three key swing States. Check the LA Times poll. Nationally Clinton and Trump are in a statistical deadheat.

    Many pollsters changed their methodology after Trump took the lead in early July. Since then, pollsters have polled way more Democrats, "independents" they knew were democrats, add in more candidates or take-away - whatever shows Hillary up by the most is what they use. You haven't been paying attention.
    #10     Aug 29, 2016