Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. jem


    Legal concept for lefties on ET and those lying to the talking heads on the radio an TV.

    Crimes of the Agent committed within the scope of their agency are imputed to the principal

    here is a hypo to help you and exgoper and all the lefties on T.V. spinning their lies out there.

    If Hillary paid a hitman to take out an co worker who leaked documents... would she be responsible for more crimes or fewer crimes than if she killed the co - worker herself.

    not only would she be responsible for the murder committed by her agent. She could also be found guilty of a host of other crimes.

    So... lets apply this to the current situation.
    Do Hillary and the DNC get to insulate themselves from crimes by hiring attorneys to do Oppo research and calling it attorney fees? No.

    1. They may have committed campaign finance violations far worse than say Denesh DeSouza. When they misreported it.

    2. And if Don Jr was guilty for attempting to get oppo research from Russians about hillary's email crimes...her lawyers as agents would be just as guilty getting oppo research from Putins spys in Russia.

    #41     Oct 26, 2017
    ThunderThor likes this.
  2. jem


    your denial is an example of extreme leftist dishonesty.

    Her agents met with Russian spies and not only spoke but received info from them for money.
    You told us that Don Jr. was guilty of a crime for meeting and maybe getting info.

    Hillary and the DNC can't insulate themselves from crimes by saying its oppo research.
    The people doing their oppo research were her agents. Lawyers in particular work for their principal as agents.

    You can't hire your lawyer to hire a hitman to kill someone and think you can argue you are not guilty because you not pull the trigger.

    The crimes of the agent are imputed to hillary.

    #42     Oct 26, 2017
    ThunderThor likes this.
  3. exGOPer


    You are the perfect example of a Trump University graduate

    Steele wasn't Hillary's agent, that's your number 1 lie

    Second, where is your evidence that Steele received info from DNC money

    Third, Hillary never hired Steele or even Fusion GPS, so how the fuck are they her agents

    You can't call someone an agent when they were not paid by them.

    Lastly, if Hillary did all that, then why the fuck didn't she use the dossier info during the election?

    That's where your BS really collapses.

    Thanks for playing, you will have new WHATABOUTISMs served by Hannity next week till the Mueller indictments come exposing pedo Trump and his criminal family.
    #43     Oct 26, 2017
    Spike Trader likes this.

  4. Hannity is on a roll and Scat just opened a thread about Hillary quoting Alex Jones.:D.
    #44     Oct 26, 2017
  5. jem


    you are a twisted liar.

    if hillary hired her lawyer to hire consultants to hire a hitman.
    hillary is still responsible for the hitmans crimes.

    Even when things get a far more complicated prosecutors have RICO statutes that can be used by prosecutors indict ham sandwiches.

    #45     Oct 26, 2017
    ThunderThor likes this.
  6. exGOPer


    You are a liar at the level of Trump

    IF IF IF

    You got no evidence other than IF

    IF Trump the pedo screwed his own daughter, who is the first lady? Ivanka or Melania?

    You see how dumb the IF games are

    And if all this is such a crime, then why the heck isn't Trump's DOJ investigating it? Just more deflection and BS to hide the real crimes.

    Provide evidence, enough of your IFs and BUTs
    #46     Oct 26, 2017

  7. This whole scenario is becoming like a four dimensional hologram.

    The FBI and other intelligence agencies also built their house of cards on unsourced questionable info- ie. the dossier and related actors. It appears that this entire fisa warrant scenario was justified and set in motion by the dossier. So you not only have the dems clutzing around and generating phony info but you have the FBI gobbling it up and acting as an agent for the dem party to go off and bring their opposition down.

    And these are the fuckers- both the dems and the fbi- who cry big crocodile tears about interference in elections.

    Congress needs to appoint a witchhunter to go out on the hunt bigtime- bypass Jeff Sessions who is obviously waiting for that anyway so that he does not have get up out of his lazy boy recliner. In one episode of Archie Bunker, archie got fired up at some guy and said "my lawyers are three vicious jews who will pick the meat off your bones." Yup. That's the kind of witchhunter I am looking for. Mueller should not be allowed to be the only one to play the game. And just like Mueller, I would give them unlimited scope, unlimited budget, unlimited staff, and unlimited time. Just go off and don't come back unless you have five or six heads with you.
    #47     Oct 26, 2017
    jem likes this.
  8. jem


    I remember a different episode where he was talking about his jewish lawyers acting like they were the best... I was a little kid and it bothered because my dad was a lawyer an not jewish. pretty funny I just recalled that.

    I look at this now and am amazed it was successful. Even if archie really was the joke in the long run.

    but this was the first one that came up. It was actually 7.

    #48     Oct 26, 2017
    TreeFrogTrader likes this.
  9. jem


    were you not the moron citing statutes saying what Trump did was against the law.
    Even a new your times reporter says this is a mirror image to the trump jr scenario.

    i don't think what Trump did was a crime and I am not sure if what hillary did was a crime.

    I am just saying you and or tony were the morons who claimed that what trump jr is was a crime and I am telling you what hillary did was no different or worse.

    your are the moron trying to say it was different because she hired a law firm to do it.

    however, I am saying saying that her hiring the the law firm and not disclosing may turn out to be the real crime.

    #49     Oct 26, 2017
  10. The whole subway car :32 ... SHUT UP...

    I LMAO :D
    #50     Oct 26, 2017