Cissus quadrangularis

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Pekelo, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Pekelo


    Any Cissus users here? I have just ordered it from Ebay and was wondering about others' experience with it.

    It is good for lifters, it helps to burn fat and heals joints. Also gives energy and lowers cholesterol. Almost too good to be true altogether. My blood test is in 10 days, not sure I will get it in time for that, but will be an interesting experience. I ordered it for the joint healing effect mostly...

    Supposed to be a natural testosterone booster, if there is such a thing.
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    My joints are good so I haven't had to use any supplements for that purpose, but I'm curious to hear what your feedback is after you've gone through the bottle.
  3. speedo


    Ditto please.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
  4. Yes, Pekelo, please let us know how it works for you.

    Oh, and:

    Yes, there is such a thing:

    All's well that ends well.jpg
    Baron likes this.
  5. speedo


  6. Pekelo


    I usually order from Amazon but this time I went with Ebay because the brand everyone mentioned on Amazon was only available there, called SuperCissus. This one was made by the same company USPlabs who made Jack3d, and all the controversy around that.

    Some good reviews above...

    My shoulders and right elbow hurt, probably due to some heavy chainsawing, this is the main reason for the order. If it helps with lowering tryglicerids that is a bonus. I will keep updating this thread, because this plant seems to be very promising...
  7. Visaria


    I've tried this last year...I don't think it did anything...ymmv
  8. Pekelo


    Got it faster than I thought, started to take it last night. 2-2 800mg pills, 3.2g a day. 5 weeks supply for $20. I think 5 days of taking it is enough to have an effect on Trygs, we shall see. Will report back on the joint pain.
  9. Pekelo


    I hope I am not jinxing it, but I am very happy already with the result. My lower back pain was very mild today, so I googled "cissus lower back" and sure enough, it also works as a pain killer.

    For lifters, this might be interesting:

    " cissus works pretty well for immediate pain relief (in place of using tylenol or something like that). I've been using it for a few weeks now and have noticed that after a heavy curl session when my forearms kinda ache the pain subsides rather quickly after a dose of cissus. "

    A bodybuilder reviews it:
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
  10. Visaria


    Is your pain from working out?
    #10     Jul 13, 2017